of the breathing. This procente Abstence organet the bed Moottoinlinna onlybw romoved by the inevitably reatores the perfect and as diroot thought ita greacions from disipline of the notione, the unabotructod activity of the channels outside and from within the prinifying of the morat bimbita end-if well and thoroughly done, impressions are in Chemninove poti Thie i s part of moral training leads to a high notivity of the senses. fectly corruet, but in their report to and its consideration may be The process is enlled in Yogio dio the intellect they may qitber nóf postponed for the moment to cipline, nadi-suded), or pervé puri- reach the intellect it all or Day next difhoulty is the interference of fication.
roach it so distorted us to make a previous stociations formed or Tho obstruction in the channel false or partially falso impression. The ingrained in the chitta or passive may be such as not ubeolutely to disturbance may affect the intipro. memory. We havo A babitual stop in however smalta degree, butsion which attains the information way of looking at things and the to distort the information. A of the eye, ear, nose, skin or palate, conservative morlia tn our nature familiar instance of this in the but it is very slightly powerful here, dispones us to give ovory now am effect of ferr or alarm on the bene in its effect on the direct impruerperience the shape and semblagen action. Tbo startlod horse tukea niors of the mind, it is extreinely of those to which we are accu. the sack on the road for a danger. ' powerful and the chief Burce of womed. It is only more developed outs living thing, the startled man error. The mind takes direct im- mirde which can recurve first im takes a rope for a snake, ni waving pressions primarily of thought, but pressions without an unconscious curtain for a ghostly form. Alt also of forin, sound, indeed of all the l. bins against the novelty of nowel
also of forin, sound, indeod of all the distortion dno to Action in the things for which it usually pre- experience. For instance, if we nervous system can ho tmoed to fers to depend on the sonao orguns.get's true imprension of what in some kind of emotional disturbance The fall development of this sensi. happening-nd we habitually set acting in the nervo channels. tivencus of the mind' is called in on such impresions truu on Alme The only remody for thein is the our Yogic discipline Sukshmadrishti if it diffars from what we are SOCO habit of calm, the habitnal steadi- or subtle reception of images, tomed to expel, whe. old. wmoci - nose of the nerves. This also can Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudi- tion moete is in the chitta and bo brought about by nadi-auddhi ENCO, presentment, thought-reading sends a changed report to the in or nervo-purification, which quiets charactér-reading sund many other tellect in which either the new ipi. the system, gives a deliberato calm- modern discoveries are very ancient pression is overlaid and concealed ness to all the internal processes powers of the mind which have been by the old or mingled with ith To and prepares the purification of the loft andevelopod, and they all be- go farther into this wgbject, would
long to the manas. The develop
he Man The develop mind.
be to involve ourselves too deeply If the nerve channels are quiet ment of the sixth sonao has never for into the details of pepohology. Thin and clear, the only possiblo distur.mod part of human training. In a typical instance will autou. To bance of the information is from or future age it will undoubtedly take get rid of this obataole in imponible through the inind. Now the manas place in the necessary preliminary without chittooeddbi or purificaor sixth songo is in itself training of the human instrument. tion of the and mental moral habit channel like the nerves, a channel Menewbile there is no reason
formed in the chitta. This is a prefor cominunication with the why the mind whould not be liminary process of Yoga and was buddhi or brain-force. Disturbance trained to give « correct report effected in our ancient system by
to the may happen either from above or
t intelleot
o 80 that our
that our various means, but would be consfrom below. The information froin thought may start with abso dered out of place in a modern ays
tem of education. outsido is first photogrphed on the lutely correct if not with full im
It is clear, therefore, that unless end orgau ,then reproduced at the pressions.
we revert to our uld ludian system other ond' of the nerve system in the
The first obstacle, the nervous chitta or passive memory. All the
emotional, we may suppose to be imagos of sight, sound, sinoll, touch
romoved by the purification of the and taste are deposited there and
nervous system. The second oli the inanas reports them to the bud-tucle is that of the emotions thi: The manas is both a sense organ themselves warping the impresand a channel. As a senso organ sion wit comer. Loto may do it is Mantomatic ully perfect as the thin, hatrod may do thin, any omoothorn, as a channel it is subject to tion or dosiro according to its powor disturbance resulting either in L. and intensity way distort the im- Then use the ono that it struction or distortion.' pression sy it travels. This diffi the best.
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