buttak bianciaption through the constantly widening biroles of The 9 of imperfection must be Foreign than bondage through knowledge. The kitory of Mongo- understood by those wbo desire w oud og I By this fact of the stolian, Semitic, Enyopandud African bring about perfection. W oi thu universal - must peoples; their oivilizations and their The senses depend for their accuthe deation ultimately and movomenta, to be followed up raoy ad sensitivenom, on the unjustified or condonnod. To And the crows of this training will obstructed activity of the nerven Comopate the greaust number be found in the power to interpret which are the channels of their of floplo tacut easily and offect anew the old fact, to perceive frush information and the passive accepivety, it is neceRury to choose significano, . And unthought of tance of the mind which in the tome ideals and forins, and in sequence, and to gather from the recipient. In themselves the uvury ca, it I Decrary to make story of tbo past the dynamic forces organs do their work perfectly. progression absolutely continuous, of the future.
The eye gives the right fogn, the w that there be to slurp inoon So much for a historierl educak- ear the correct sound, the palate gruby amongat the clouients of tion. It must never be forgotten the right taste, the skin the eru ly experience. Such incongru- that nationality in oulture in the right touch, the nove the right ity begets confusion of thought, TODA, not the end. There is smell. This can emaily be under and this confusion in cluentional level of achivement where all the stood if we stndy the action of chaos. A national eduentio then, odaonted persons of the world can the eye as a crucial example. A Toust be made of filiar ele est, understand and enjoy each correct inago in reproduced autoTOonta. The ideal presented must other's associations. This level 18 matically on the retina, if there in always be first cloth.d in form froudoin. Intellectually poaking any error in appreciating it, it is evolved by our own pnst. Our it is multi. But it can be reached not the fault of the organ, but of inngination must be first based on only by him whose knowledge is something else. onr own hernic literatnte. Our firm-rooted in love for mother and The fault may be with the hope must be woven out of our inothor-land, in tender meinories of nerve currents. The Derves history. From the known to the childhood and the early struggle are nothing but ebanuels, they unknown, froin the casy to tho After knowledge, and in an un- have no power in themselves to difficult, must be the tnotto of shakable assurance that the face of alter the information given by the every teacher, the rule of every God shine brightest and His name organs. But a channel may be lesson. The familiar is not the sounds sweetest, in tho village of obstructed and the obstruction toay gorl; knuwlerige is the goal: his birth.
interfere either with the fullness or trnined faculty is the air: An
the accurncy of the inforniation, erlucution that stoppo short at A SYSTEM OF NATIONAL not as it reaches the organ where the familiar would be a bondage
it is mucosarily and automatically instead of an trianaipation; A
THE TRAINING OF THE MIND. THE perfect, but as it reaches the mind. mockery not a rulity. The firsmi. OBSTRUCTION OP THE SENSES The only exception is in cum of linr is merely the first step. But
a physical defect in the organ as an As the first step, it-19 odsential.
There are six senses which ininis
instrument. That is not a matter Goographionl idons munt bo build
for the educationist, but for the up first through the ideas of Indin.
ter to knowledge, sight, hear.
ing, smell, touch and tasto, mind, Bill they must not stop, thero. A
If the obstruction is such as t. knowledge of geography would be and all of these except the last, look singularly rustig if it did not in
outward and gather the material of stop the information reaching the thought from outside through the
outside throuvh the aluda w alear poept of tho world,
mind at all, the result is an insufti. physical nerves whole. And even this is not
cient sensitiveness of the sonues. and their end
The defucts of sight; hearing, snell. suficinat.
organe, eye, onr, nose, skin, palnto. There must, in a comThe perfection of the sensog 13
touch, taste, Ansthesia in plato odooption, be & release of the
its geographion froully, an initiation ministers to thought must bo one various degrees, aro curablo when
not the effect of physical injury into geographical enquiry, an in
of the first cares of the teachers. ceptiog of goographical resourch.
The two things that are needed of or defect in the organ itsell. Siinilarly of history. The wenne the senses are necuracy and venni. The obstructions can be u of historic sequenco must be lain- tiveness. Voinyst first under and the susitiveDON Totuit echthrough Iudia. "To that, every tand what are the obstacles to the by the purification of the beri thing else historical inust sad accuracy and sensitiveness of the Malum. The remedy is a simu ulic related, But the history of India schbes, in onder that we may tako
which is now luchting Loro and must be only A stopping-atonu to the best stops to removo them. motu [wpular in Europe for different
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