Wer disguised himmlla. Hindo jogee" from IBOR L 1610. It is said that when he yun's He w for his father to monien and that be ww wocompanied by his may wedyng from Barnarkand after his third lor him the dearest of W pow D terious Prime Minister, Rangulidan ungureasful attempt to bold it he nie sad that this might be done by miling
It was nature that legoods should pr. in 1518 to tbo Kboinot river, the solens the great royal diarioad--pposed to in up about Babar for be war, i Elphio. Jakarta which down through Ferghana te the Koh-i Nur--and giving the pr.
tune anys, "the most admirable priore and eventually enters the Nes of Anal. cende vo the poor. "What in the worth that ever rignad in Axta," and his mrrer One of his wives wil in one of the of astoue cried Babar, "Humayun
ont romantic one and full of hair. sccount to be on Af Becam hal in the dearest of my powolonem b ath baca pen. His minfortu pren began given birth to a child and it was found the dearest of his; I will give my urly. His father, who was king of Per impossible to convey the infant fur life for his 8o be mentally look Huniagbana now Rumlan province was killed ther. Perline the nether bad died. Ro the you's ille on bimaell, paced three By the collapae of his pigeon-house when child was wrapped up, and laid in a plen- timon round bin bail, and cried out. W only thirtynine years of was, and Balar, did cradle and placed on the river bauk, did cradle and placed on the river bank
bare borne it away, we bave brode who was his eldest soul, was left boy of while Bahar and his colupapious pursued away! Tradition says that immediately twelve to defend his kingdom against lil their wild ride to the tastward. Aser thereafter, Humayun rose refreshed, and uncles. These two, one being hin pater vant, however, was left, and told to hide bathed, ele, while Rabar mok down in wl and the other bis maternal uncle in in the neighbourhood, and to report if illness, and never left bin Led kain.
aded Ferghans from the north and mouth the cradle w taken up by the country His dying prayer to his sou was that and came within a few mile of Babar's people. There wern Uabng villager bo would always forgive his younger
idoneo at Andijan. But they found abnut then, as they had to come to look brother whatever wing they might the tank barder than they expected. The after the irrigation of their crope. The mor. comunit against him. Weak toan though
ople of the country rathered round vant waited till he saw that the villagers be war, Remayun struggled long wrid beir youthful sovereign, meknes broke tonik up the crulle, and then runhed for urnently to rompect the wigh of father cut annng the invading troops, and uncle ward to joia his master. The finders of who had died to ruccour bin, aod it retired and died on the way home, and the cradle belonged to thing villages and was only under pressure from his subles the other went back to the wilds of w they divided the treasure trove into mod after printed rebellions that le Meghuintan
throportions. One villagnr took the consenw to punish his brotber KALLAH 'TH AND DWAR
Wadlo anacher took the gokil ornamental - Ry H. Beveridge in the Indian Mave After this Babes had many up and and the thini tok the haby. The last sine and Review."
wns Three times did he get on received the name of Altri Benlunk, or w ramarknad, the wocond ecriou being the filden (Yale, in allusion to the gold
RELEASE OF DEPORTEEN brilhant feat of Arus nud performel ornament found with him. He was
VICERUTH SPKX'H. whru lon WA only nineteen years of age de oter to Anura, and carefully In Tuesday'w triesting of the Saprus Poat he was never able to maintain hita rearvel. It is said that alur warvia whan Leginlativo (louncil His Exulloony 11 will in the city for more than a few Balar boue properous, he went to make Vivery in paring the new f' LAW month. With all his prowes he was inquiries aliout his child, and will to waid: - ara a match for his Uzliek opponent baie it sent to laim. But wben the pro- Cientlemen, wabani Khi who WAN an older and ple found that the boy was a genuine de "Thin in the frut gut aurel
#perienced warrior. Kabar reprecendant of Tamerlanr, they refused to ww leen dealt with by the new fujurnal A1 Taurrlane of while was sixth give him up. Thry made him their ruler,
Council, and I congratulate Hon'ble nt, though he will neonnertel and furnished him with a wife, and hu
Member'ou the thoughtful tone of the through his mother with Benghis Khan, became the progenitor of the family
poschee to which we have linteund, and bir father being desudedu Bongbis's which gurerned Perghaua of centuries.
though nome exception has been taken And now but Sbaibani perhape of an
to the nature of the power courris . Proro illustrioun descent, for he was "The last legend about Babar, and one
upon Local Government, I would h Thor lineal ropresentative of Juji Khan, which in probly thu, in that be took
Hon'ble Member to bear in mind but * Benghin'n uildel upon himself the illness of his beloved
in framing the Bill the liverumet. The legend about Babar which I have mia, Holusyun. The latter was brought
Indie : bal townsider, and att now to relate rulers to a prind included duwn from lin government in Sarabhal
nafar aw poble, very considerabile of in the longest gap in his Memoian, ona to Agra dangerously ill with malarial
versities of public opinion. We believe Bataily, which extends user even years fever. His father and her wat hedd over him, but the physicians were power
NOTICE. tonn, nad there arenied no bop of his recovery. At Imt learned divine MUR
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