um to nature in life-itwell. The that liace of Artistic education was given | Sr. Burns perceive the ta dia... Ath of India Inunt retain their Indian by the artistin Master dintumen to when be MyA that only spirit or Bernina altogether worthlens their pupils and apprentice. Thin, how.
movement from within the country could The point of Art Are in life it all, and ever, would bave been running counter havo scooinplished the review when the life of the periple in revitalicul to the principle above enunciated : and
art on traditional lines that compelling life will b e and minirol, this new
in time goue by, the old
moveineut lacked: and the rosult folloret, fabioned Soutb Kensington routine that "India" from T-fortril in Tulian decorative art. The
an artistic point www introduced into India ; for more ad. view became anul mince renained applim Arth cannnt li jelutoil and lo.
robert Vanend tudent, drawing from casts of of Paris and London as she is the iodurintele a thing spurt from the nation life, and the future of Indian art depenila
Greek Hatunty sal Gothic architecture trial suburb of Manebenter and Birming
water colour and sketching and all the bam. in the future of nationslinn Ainong
rest of it. Result, that quite a large The one great quentinn to-day in this Yonnet rather Krance of thorns; and
number of mon Attained a second or third "In the compelling movement with the denalinnalind ople, an India wul.duel
Inte Englih taudard, Probably no In. country which we call Nationalinna stron by Kerop, not merely outwardly, but
can artist wo trained has done work gond enongh for the Herculean task before it, in her inmont well, will not prowlane A
enough to be accepted hy the royal Aca- the conversion of a generation of per national art. That India is not really
denis, tich leas good onough to be refused into a nation of Orientals"? Every kind So wuduel, that the rational movement by that auguet lody!
of the answer to this question will ha that time I her deeprat life has a deeper
The true function of School of Art in Mignificance than one that is merely
faithfully recorded in the progress or Indin, in unt to introduce European me decline of Indian art militical and economie nu already len
thods and ideal bat gather wpawl rore proved by the development of the Na
It renta with the Indian people them talis the broken thrrad of Indian tradition tional Echolof Painting in Bengal.
solvem la may what the answer shall le. to build up the idea of Indian Art aan
ANANDA K. COO ANSWAMY.. But Arnindra Nath Tngore and his
integral part of the national eulture, and followers and in this art revival of
Me Wailer Reviru. to relate the wok of Indian craftsmen our, in the place orcupied hy Burne Jones in the history of English art, to the life and thought of the Indian
BABAR IN L.FIEND. where in our Willian Morice? Prolalily people. So far fruia this, the School of
I'M Art eraft men bus hitlinto worked when
C.RAR OP TIK KANT. the time of his coming in nutrip tially for a foreign pablie, making things
Balar las been called the coxar of the When he comes, lie will do mote for
FANt. Jo consideration of the number of which neither he nor his own people Indian applied art than all the whools desire to un but only to well. No wonder
legend: that have gatheret mund him, he together; But it is the function of the the hinges do not work and the legs are
night also be styled the charlamagne of school to make the path no barder than
the Eut. Ono story about him is that he wobbly. When Inline conftenmen worked 1! noud le. for the Indian people, they knew what
diaguined himself and a numbers of his The real difficulty at the root of all
courtier a Calandar, or wandering WAM Wanted, and why, and their work questions in Indian education is thin,
Mobomedan devutres, and went to Indix that modern education a
HH altoguthor werviceable. Now that India, the they work for tourist or wou
to Mpy out the land. He was dimeverd education which English men are proud
them Helves in carving furniture for
And arrested, but Sikandar Laxdi, the re
Angloof havsug rivon' to Indir is really bored Indian bungalow, or in Inaking tramite
igning king of Agre, allowed him to de. in the general Resumption (quite uni. overlowed with
part on condition that he would not invud. in a versal ip England ) that India
cheap ornament for Anglo-Indian Lew-talles, it is naturally
India during Sikandar's lifetime. Baler erage country, which it is England
kept his promise but took the country otherwise divine mission to cimilia. This in the
I have muid tlaut true work of School of
from Sikander'a son Ibrahim, whom he one or lex UOCODscinus underlying
defeated and new at Panipat. The story Art in India today, it to gather up and principle throughout. Tbo ft were
of the visit in dinguine cannot be true, but revitalise the broken throws of Indian more truly remlined by Sir Thoina
the traditiou 1 an old one and is told hy tradition. But who all do this work 1 Munro, when he wrote that, "f civili Not many Eoglishmon po414 the neres
De Laet, 4 Duch hintoringrapher of the ution were to be unde in Article of Mly in tience, or the nece Katy will. Like
Heventeenth century who got his inform. commerce between the two countries, all line uducation in India, this work
tion from Vaa den Breecke, the gover England would n be heavily in debit.' munt le
of Surat. According to this version the
logn by Indians. It is Next to Porvia or perhaps toyother with question of national education.
occurrence was depicted on the walle !
This Porria India is the world's girat tre question,
the touching it does the
palace at labore. Having docided
It is alwn. I Mary of deniga. vital base of the whole of Iudian life, is
think mentioned by Finch. Menuer, the establimitant of Hehool of Art, it of more importance than any plitical or
ton, tells the story, but his account is that might thou Luve been expected that
codonsie mattor. Rather than the achieveluontiina would have anyuired on ment of any measure of progress in
those diruction, I would see Iudians united its dentand for the complete and en
Silver Mau5 tirerontrol of Irudiun oluration in ull it
POR nuncht, and determined that that educa MANUFACTURED BY
ownmake FOOTBALLS. tien will produce Indian nies and southern THE - inero clerks, or makers of pretty
Agent wanted everywhere. SHARMA HINDU BISCUTS curiositae of passing luurinta.
Lists fred on :plication. To this ond one thing is newlful that FACTORY, DELHI.
SEN & SEN the priment generation of udutul lui HJALTNT.WY BAY T', I95) Ah shoulder to be . A
1, Chowringhee CALCUTTA.
Lately in another place. "If
w edd IN THE MARKT. understeunt indian art ve wheunt hom
that even unw the concernen olet ACGOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. MLOUSLY ORSERVE1).
if we would let hen build for me THTAI. I" A1. WTED. SOLD XXX WHERE
1 ck their way of beauty that whilot B. MUKER JEE & Co. LE AENTS YON RENAL:
be attained to in modern Europe for any Diplomad Iccountants & Auditors Tire Pual Trading expenditure of money at all. We would
(London) Coinpan. if u inght, even today, live like the
98 Clive Stre, Calcutta 77, SUTTA PUTI, Stret) vety : but we lost for the fierb pots
0. der er vedly our economy suf
WORK AT Moderatc Fccs. 19. Cinning Street, Calcul