sensible being if it is only transcen-
iinagination and exporivuce, nine | Citn. "There are two Purushiwa in
incinto dental and cannot be lived. We and forin, Bentution and vibration the world, the akahan mil the Atrongly protost against the brand
swe: onward for ever, without kshar - the kultura is all crentures. of Auspicion that has been songht bevinning without end. rising into the ik hand in called Katush, the
the khara to be placed in many quarters on view, sinking oirt of Night; through one on the suminit. There 14 40the tenching and pression of the it the one Intelligence with its mil. other Purushn, the highest (attam). City, our chiof national heritage,
lion solfexpressions pours itself. called also the Parannatma oraour hope for the future, our great
abroad, an can with innut erablo preme Spirit, who enters into the force for tho, paritication of the
waves. One particular self-expres- three worlds, (the world of Fushupw. norw wonknusses that stain and
swapna, jngrat, otherwiso the causu! hamper our roople.
and continent, but that dour not mental and physical planos of c .
and cannot abolinh the phenomenal tence), and Hustnins thern rn ther! THE THREE PURUSHAS.
universe. The One is for ever, and imperishable lord.". And in the the Many are for over because the
thirteenth chapter, while drawing One is for ever: So long as there
the distinction between the lower • The greatest of all the philoso- is a , there will be WAVOH. Purusha and the higher, Srikrishn.. phical problems which human in the occanic Atir and change definos more minutely the relationin thought hou struggled to folre, is of universul Naturg. the soul or of God and the individual novil the exact nature and relation to us. Purusha is the standing point, Nature. "Prakriti is the basic mune of the conscious Intelligence in the strule, inmoving. unchanging. of cause, effect and agency; the phenomenal existenco around. The cternal, nityah sarvagatah athanur Purusha, of the sense of enjoyment idualist denies the phenomonal exis- achalayain sanatinah. In the of happiness and grief; for it icon troce, thu materialist denies the whole, the Purusha or soul is one, - soul in Nature (Purusha in Prakritis conscious Intelligence. To the former, there is One Spirit which supporte that onjoys the threefold wurhinks phenomenon is #pring shallow the stir of the Universe, not many. of things.curd by Natare, (th. on thu luminous calin of the single In the individual the One Purusha play of conservation, creation, il universal Spirit: to the latter, intel. hus thrco stages of personality: He destruction; reception, ronction All ligehou is a temporary Iesult of the is Onr,' but triplo, trivrit. The resistance ; illumination, minnep motions of Matter. The idealist Upanishads speak of two birds on tion and obscuration; calin, work it! can givo no satisfactory explanation one tree, of which one unts the fruit inertin; all being litferent manif.. of the existence of the shadow, he of the tree, the other, seated on 1 tions of three fundamental for admits that it is inexplicable a thing higher branch, does not eat but called the ganns or crvential propr thnt is and yet is not the interi- watches its fellow: one in ishi or ties of Prakriti); and it is the attack alat can give no artifactory expla- lord of itself, the other is injsha, ment of the soul to the gunes the nation of the existence of intelli- not lord of itself, and it is when the the cause of births in bodies gence; hu simply tries to trace the enter looks up and perceives the and evil. The highest l'urushit in stages of its development and the gruntness of the watcher and fills this buily 14 the one who watches irethods of its workmgr, and covers himself with it that grief death, whu Hitnctions, who enjoys, whyp
ver the want of an explanation by subjection, in one word maya holl, who is the mighty Lorem! the abundant minuteness of his ob- ignorance, and illusion, ceases to
the Supreme Soul." Servations. But the Nuul of Mar, touch him. There are two unborn
The personality of the Supreme looking out and in, is. natisfied who uro male and one unborn who is
Soul is universul, not individual. neither with Shukarn nor with female she is the tree with its
Whatever is in all creatures, ohr.de Heckel. It sees the universal sweet and bitter fruit, the two :
ter, imagiuntion, perine, ***IBU Nce of phenomeus, it won the the birds. One of the unburn on
sensation, motion, in contained by universul existence of Intelligence.joys her sweetness, the other line
Him as an object of Mpiritual It works 'terun which will admit put it away from him. Thene ne
mens without limiting to both, covor both, identify both;
mining ham. He is all things atne the two Purushas, the ukwhurst, or
Such in universulity iN-* .. it dumand, out an elimination of intautable spirit, and the kuhane,
port and cither, but it reconcilement. apparently mutable, and the tree or
Pinwidunt.114 The Upanishads do not deny the woman in Irakriti
touw, but it can uniceral
be the det !
ing limit of inchidul rowlity of the world, but they iden-
is calli Energy which the Europesu
Something bestilt tily it with Brahman who tris Nature. The kshmi pruhu in
in unething put torward, and th:10. cuids it. He is the one without the moul intre and enjoying Montad; Hu is the All. If all is ...turs, the stunt
il mattination in the d mash in the
"It is sent an eternal faut Brahman, then theru cun bu tuthing cotille Nature hud watching
that in the wath of individ but Brahoan, and therefore the her. But there is One who in
tenebrom the Jiva or trin exintetice of thu All, survum idum, geted on the true, Intoccupies and dues aut contrmlict the unity of
it, who is not only londofur." The Jait or individuelle
: mhuri purushi, w Hinwulf, but lord of all that
bow bu Bruhigan, tue's not establish the reality of Wud, dittotence. It is He is higher than thu khar, And the Supronar stands the skin one Intelligonce looking at itself higher than the akshara, Ho in puruha,' the bird on the suminit
of the tre from Purushottama, the Soul ono with
joyous in.hr a hundred view points, ench
blish, dasturbed by the potat conscious of and enjoying the Col, with the All.
Luruh These three l'uru-
h ara describ.
aro describ. existence of the others. The shore.
of Nature, impartially watching
receiving its ing l ise ·less stream of iron and thongbed in the Gifteenth clmpters of the