which Junuka was the truitional loro reburkably muddled than his is to him an interference with ih.
rinplar. "Renonnee all that thon knowledge of indinn civilisation liburty of the individual. ane te mayest enjoy all,"--this is India's and literature. Ix his exhortation sets ont tu "Ranasinate cu rharucteristic mesage.-1100 Bud to Indian womanhood to stand bust dennocratic President, constituti than holute renunciation, not the to its ancient moorings he jombles king of imperial Chear with European's slavement to his budi- together Swayamvaras, the rape of terrible impartiality, an insane loul ly, vital and intellectual desires and the Sabines and Shacuntali in cality. For if we ask him how npputit. Tynga within, bhoga miraculous fashionAt co Swayam. liberty of any kind excupt the lib. without Ananda, the divine de. varn that we are aware of, did the ty of the strong to prey on the light of the purified Boul, evibracing women come forward as peacetnakers wenk can exist in the absence both.
between the abducting hero and guvernment, he will probably Allens in Ancient India.
the disappointed suitors. Mr. answer that by right education, We extract olsuwhore a brief arti. Risley has been misled by pitch- right idons and right feelinge wat le on the above subject froin the forking his early memories of
be established and the spirit December Inuliun Review for which Roman history into Ind in epic and
of brotherhood will prevent the we had no puce in our former instas. narrative. And need we say that
abuse of liberty, and if anyon: The ancient Indinn treatinent of there was neither Swayamvara, nor
fnfrnger this unwritten law, he in uns foreign residents forms i curious fighting nor peacemaking in the
be destroyed as if he were A noswin contrast to the spitit of exclusion story of Shnenntal? Thin in the first itd benyt. And by a parallel logie which is growing upon modern tume, more voer, that at started Indian he seeks to destroy all the living nations. We have our own doubts public has been pointed to Shieun. symbuis of a state of society which
symbuis of a abuut that little privilege of exemp- tala ns the ideal Hindu woman. Sit, slands in the way of the coming of tion from uits for debt which Mr. Draupadi, Savitri, Damayanti, - his millenniuni, Hayaraden Rau mention with these aro familiar to ns as ideals, The Gita and Terrorism appreciation; it woull obviously Lut Shacuntala is Mr. Rixley's Mr. Risley repeats a charge we place the nlien merchant at a dinown aldition. To us she is a beauti- have grown familiar with, that the advantage when compared with tho ful poetic creation, not an exemplar
not an exemplar Cita has been misused as a gopal nerupulous honesty of the Indian of feminine conduct. We observe of Terroridih. We antibot And any traders, and we are not sure that it
basis for this accusation except the inay not have been a subtly stroke ration for Mr. Risley's poetic ap
bare fact that the teaching of Nu of Chanakynliku diplomacy to
ture over Shncuntala. We do not Gitu Wis part of the education given ovddle the resident foreign middle- know whom we should congratulate by Upendranath Banerji in the man out of existence while favour- more, the poet of the lrose Bill or Maniktola gardon. There ing the non-resident importer. his admirer.
evidence to show that ite tenets The chief inportance of the article Anarchism.
'were used to justify « goepel vi is, howerer, the incidental light it Are we not entitlol, by the way.
Terrorism. The only doctrine of throws on the organisition of life in the interests of the English lan
thu Gita the Terrorist can pervest in ancient Indin. We are too apt gunge, to protest agiinst the mixnp- to his use, is the dictum that the to forget how noble, groat and well- plication of the word Anarchists Kshatriya munt ulay as a part of his uppointed a life it was. There
to the Indian Terrorists and Ahar- duty and he can do it without in weru no railways, telegraphs or
chism to their policy? Their me. if he puts egoirim away and acts Rlcumships, it is true, and democracy
thods are wild and lawless, their seltlusely without attachment in and was beginning to go out of fashion
etfort is to create anarchy, but Anar. for God, #mcrificu, usan in favour of a centralised burvall chinni and Anarchist are terus uffering of action to the Lord of cratio monarchy. But in spite of which imply something very differ action. If this t'aching is in itsell these drawbacks, the ancient life of ent, a thing as yet unknown either false, there is no moral basis for thu ludia Waly is splendid, iu careful, 19 in practice or in thoury to India. hero, the soldier,the judge, the king convenient, ay humane, as enlight
The Irish Fenians did the site the legenlature which recognises ened in its organisition is thatof any things as the Iridian Terrorists are capital punishment. They HAN undern society ur adininistration. now practising, but nobody uver all be condented w criminals su The Scholarship of Mr. Risley.
called thern Anarchists; to wipply offenders against humanity. It Wo Aro Mut concerned with the
this term is to bring anarchy into undoubtedly true that since the political issues of Mr. Risley's great
the tnodern Use of language. It is revival of religious thought in India uratorical effort in connection with
doubtful whether any Indian who the Gita hns venson to be what Mr. the Pruss Bill, for we bavo re
has not been to Europe, really knows Risley calls it, a transcendental tufike politich; but Mr. Risley
what' Anarchism is. Philusuphical philusuphy, and hus been made ** # schilar falls within onr pro
ly, it is the negation of the necourity rule of life. It is undoubtedly or vines, and we only bype our of government; in practice, it is often
that selennness, courage, rutierky on that subject will not
thu n ot wyination to destroy and noble hetivity ble beet
wil goverment irrespective of preached exiee us to the provision against
as tlu keruel W tb it nittionality or nature. Democracy ethics of the City bringing officials into
That contempt.
is us abborrent to the Anarchist 1. teaching he is no country Even at that risk wo must tako as Crurism, national government buen condemned as ignoble, che Jonvo to say that we can only bupe intolerable as the goverpinent ninal or subversive of worality, vor Mr. Risley's ethnological science is of the foreigner. All government is a philosophy of any value to my