ceived shock sad the hurricane lantern Purther detatia received by tlim River
tumbled down and broko. Then the Steam Navigation (htarany in ('aleutta STEAMER ON FIRE
juta cught fro. I was on the upper about the fire un brand the "Aku" go A fire which he ulted in consider: deck when I w furious fre had broken show that owing to the infusion at the allie daar to. Tome like out on
out in the lower derk, I jumped into the time the p enger who dropped the ward the u. "Aku" on Thurmly even water from the upper deck. There were hurricane lamp was lut wight of, but his inclut about 7 o'clock, while the venuel, ruly 150 paraengurs. There has been identity, it is believer, will be enab lila ding to Khulna from Harinni. And of life but I cannot my how many el hortly. A le vigned anong the
the River Hot Navigation died. I had 10 rupen in my bus and MAAR At the tine and to avoid fue Dawlog Chayaldab landing articles worth Rs 50 and all that in kone. I ther liter the
n tly in the Information ww went WM ER '. A Khuu correspondent wired to the wt on to the bank of the river. Most
iland Co., the Agent in Calcutta alue paper The willig wore burnt of the parengers were not without and Mr. Ray she goat' at Barisal in
to Arbes. Babu Situ Nath sen, Inspector much difficulty. While why of them mediately left Calcutta and informar on of Police, Khulna, WANA pawenger; and jumped into the river and WWAH #hov. hus so far been received as to the Caune 1 le narrowly escaped by Jumping into the of the latter one, mn, died on whore
the damage done to the Venurl, water. Acording to him the total num from exhauntion. So far this is the only or loss of Inte, if any, An Indian Daily Ilier of congers was about two hundred.
casualty. Now" reprenentative on Sunday after which one-third diui, burnt or drownnoon laterviewing Mr. Taylor, the OANA rd. A blind gentleman in a cubiu going HALIDIRLARI DAOOITY. cer of the Shipping Department of to Sleutta for treatinent in mining A Information hand licen terved by the vil and Colar t that n ifi
Christian Indy jutapod into the water Bengal Police that there the named tion had reached him since Mutunlay with her dren and work on and each ped. Nritto i l Makeujec, in lunick and Mr. Tyler could not say what are the Police investigation is proveding. Kanye Disk, who were ulegre to be im. MIDNAPORE BON CANE.
plicated in the Haludari Thucoity had Linat we carrying besides tbe wakat
kender'n y how or
ny I the time; neither would lor
nder thut noticen abonded to curtou. There three men
were nervouson Mr. 1). Wonton, Dintret under what cireutnátances the fire ori
Huddenly dinapired from their native Magintrate and Collector, Midu poro, ginated or if the mail bago bad been
village in the Jewire l'intriel Tholul Muzhurl Huy. 1. 8. P. and Lalmohan AB Ved. The tolegram which had been
Police obtained information that they (tuha, Tanpector of Police, in September were putting up in the hom of Surruth received by the agents went to show that lant.
Chundra Mukerjee at No. 61-2, Nintol. there was no definite news of Joan of life
Hubus Abinash Chandra Mitter and lah lat Lane who is the brother of the up to the time of wiring. It is, however,
Upendra Nath Maity have each iontituted first accured. The Poloe obtained war. surmined from the nature of the fire, that
A case in the Subordinate Judge's Court, rant and winted by Imetora Mulruhy the vennel must have been considerably
clanurung rupees afty thousand And and Pandit, merchol Nutruth (huuder damaged. The whole of the machinery
twenty.tive thousand respectively Mukur jou's house on the 4th instant but tittings are totally destroyed. The vennel
damages for the fulme imprisonment and found that the three med bad again is now on its way to Calcutta under two,
inalicious pronucution against them in alimeonded. 16 Was winco Amortained and is expected in the Hooghly on Wed.
the alleged Midnapore bomb conspiracy that the accused left (Salcutta on Moudny we lay afternoon. CAHe.
night by the Gorlundo mail but to A Harinal correspondent telegrapha to
which place they have now proceeded the THE MIDNAPCR SROUKIthe Hongalee" :-Annerident of R
l'olice were unable to discover. A rather serious type happened on the 6th
The damage nuit brought against He- thorough march was made in the room of instant when the mil utcamer" Aks" veral members of the Midnapore police Surruth Hubu with the result thint wuuchy wlying between Barisal and Khulnak and Mr. Wonton by Hine of the proui- letters, pont Cars And Immiks were wizel. caught fire between stations Sachida and nent accused in the Midnaporo conspiracy Alnipur at about 8-30 PM. There were
CRHC will shortly cume up for hearing about 100 to 200 p enger on board, Report is current among Midnapore fiincluding some women. Babu Kepiu cials that the expenses that will be incur. ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA
red in conducting the defence will be Behari Dar, Pleader, Barisal, who came Lirne by the Government.
Founders of Steel Trunk Industry from Calcutta via Khulna next morning by the mail steaner 4 Manipuri" which
in India WA detained for about three buurs At the
ESTABLISHED IN 1 place of occurrence for completely put. ting out the fire, took down the state.
Rent Machino made, Suovo paintod. wente of some of the passengers of the
STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES. " Aks" who happoned to be still there
ownmake FOOTBALLS. together with the mail guard and the
FACTORY :butler of the "Aks." The butler said :- Agonts wanted everywhere.
11, Maniktoh Street, (Rambagan.) A passenger was sitting near the juta
Lists free on application. Lules clone to the mail cabin with a light.
SEN & SEN ad hurricane. It was about 6-30 P.M.
1, Chowringhee CALOUTTA.
7/1, Cornwallie Stroet, (Kalitola. und it grew dark wbeg the steamer ro
BRANCH :161, Bowbuzar Street, (Baitakkhana)
Dutor OHMATRA BHANDAR LTD. Awarded Modal at the Indian Industrial Exhibition of 1908-07.
Extract from Mr. J. G. Cumming, I C'.8. Spocinl Report op ledustrial Surveyor Ben. A MUISTIC FOTO & ENLARGEMENT.
(Vide Calcutta Casella August 96th, 1008) TMOEMA
THE ABYA FACTORY OF 107, MACHUA B. DUTTA & BROS., BAZAR ROAD, CALCUTTA, turns out good 387, Urmas CHITTI'R ROAD, (Jornahando ) articler
Calcutta. TO LAUNCA BARAR ROAD, Caloutta. Tol Add.TRUNKS" CALCOTTA Forsale, artist for Pruruah uosina
5 siiver Medals