Tho Sedition came against the same ac- HINDUS IN JELLALAPADry is cuad. Iahri Parshad, was taken up. The 'Toe Hiddu Popelkich of the Jollaland complaint was to the effect that he was
affect that be wa BOMDAT AXARIUS.
District have ineinorialined the Amir or A "acrtte of India Extrordinary Editor, Printer and Publisher of week. the subject of their ill-treatment by published in Calcutta on Tuencluy even. ly nowapaper called the "Bedari," print- their Mahorpadan neighbours. They Ing tatu:"In exercise of the prowers ed at the Bedari press at Lahore, and point on that during the reigns of Shere conferred upon hiun by mectiou 1 () of
that in its intie of oth October he pub. Ali, and Abdul Rahman, they were in Art XIV of 1008 (the criminal Law
lished an article and a cartoon, thereby no way neglected but that of lato year Amoudment Art, 1908) the Governor
committing an offence under section 124 certain Mullaha and officials have stirred ciutal in Counril is pleased to extend
A. The cruined wanted to be released up fanatical feeling Against them the whole of the waid Act to the Preni.
on heil. Court mid that in the defania- They Ank that the Amir will personally dency of Bombay."
tion crae agninnt him the accused could enquire into the matter during his stay Act XIV of 1 in the Act which in
be released on bunil of Io. 1,000, but in At Jollalahol as otherwise they will be reduced the Special Tribunal for the
the wealition case the offence was nonbail. nnable to remain in the cotatry. more pendy trial of cutain offences and #bile and consequently lil was not grant
TH BOMBAT AMBALLA. . for the prohibition of Rasociations dan ed.
Further particulars received about the keroun to the public peace." It WA MH. The enne rinat Canesh Lal alleged
police raida nt Amballa, show that the Mold at the meeting of the Supreme login Editor of the "Akali," was next takon
houer merrched were in the Unballa city lawvo Council on December 11th O up. The complaint, Alex in Can Was that
All well as in the Cantonment, and it is The necond CIRUNA of the first wection de
the accused was the Proprietor, Printer clared that the law extender to the Pro-
reported, included those of Rai Sahih Publisher and Editor of an Urdu per,
Murti 1hur, pleader, who in styled nx vince of Beugul and Eastern Bengal and called the "Akaul" nt the Indraprasth,
the grand old man of the Punjah, Pandit Awarm but coupowered the Clovernor National Press, Delhi. In itu ingue of
Madho Ram, & vakilan old Congressman Cinerul in Council to extend it to any 14th November the accused pubished
Mr. Lalla Duni (hand, pleader. Mr. other Province either in whole or in part poem, entitled "Bharat mataki pukar,"
Jamna Das, A merchant, Mr. Manohar The f're pit could with the onstitution which comes within the purview of wors
Tal, A clerk in the Munsiff's Court, Mr. the special Tribunals and the other tinni 124A and 193 A of the I. P. C. The
Deoki Nandan, banker, Dr. 8. G. M. alternti in predure, while the nocond lane was adjourned to the Mth instant
kherji And Mr. Alakh Dhari, Secretary of partit derin with the unlawful asseblin
the Upper India (ilannwork. The Police, and procedure for proclaiming them unlaw HINDI ANI GOVT.
it is known, took with them a copy of the ful.
Rai Sahib K. R Thakur of Lahore
Bande Mataram nowspaper, found in the writes a letter to the "Civil and Mili:
house of Rai Sahib Munshi Dhar, and The LAHORE EDITION C'A4.. tary Ciazette" about the relations now
Home books from the house of Mi. Madlo The Lahore edition (AHON Were resumed existing between the Hindus and the
Ram. by Mr. Harrisou, the Spocial Magistrate, Cinvernunt. Hoolwerves It cannot
An Urdu daily of Lahore reports that on January 3rd. "The court took up the
le denied that the Hindu community it in rumoured that the bomb which w "**+ grinat i-ul-Har, the first norunud,
punod of the Punjab is face to face with placed in the bungalow of the Deputy I ron-examined a number of CU
serious crisis NO far as its relations with
(mumiwioner WA Wrapped in an issue of to witness. Among others two copyinta the Ciovernment are concernel. It is
the Hindustan now paper of 17th Decem who ropiou the articlp in question which well-known that oljectionable writings
ber, published in Lahore. It is further Appear in the "Panlun ," of which and new papers and publication of sed
Imported that the Police is trying to Und was the Editor.. tious books and pamphlety have had a
wecuru thnt particular issue of the "Hindm. Acrud Tubri l'Arnhud Editor of the good den! to do with the animativfactory
stan" from its subscribers in Umballa " adlari" newmper, way then produced character of these relatioun. I would
A local paper reports that in connection The Court explained i wfore the Court.
n the formation of a vigilence
with the Am balla bomb outrage two 1. the accused that on 14th September an league or ontumittee the duty of which
Bengalees were arrested froru Kalilari, article headed "Fidwi you Ki Bin Mar would be to read newspapers and books
Lahore on Thursday afternoon. One of khaninn," appeared in the "Bedari" and or pamphlets as they are published and
them is an old man of 70 years. He is it maligned the character of the wubordi.
Sadhu and came to Lahore only recently where Mitte police forre in defamatory terms,
necessary. The advice given
frost Ammalla where he was seen a few will be private but in CILMEN where it punishable under woction 2012, I. P. Cade. in clistegarded pablic Action will have to days before the occurrence. Nothing e M ution witness WAN examined be taken in the whape of advice to the
incriminating was found on the nuan. ituer which the twt asked tho wcuad community at large to have nothing to
The news about the arrest of two do with the paper or the writer or the til study the official translation of the arti. publisher concerned. The writer fur. Bengalis in Lahore in connection with the che in question or to put in lanslation ther exhorts 1 Lindu organisations which
Ambulla bomb incident has been con exist in the province to take up the of his own. 'The CAO Was adjourned to
firmed. Brith the accused are Saubus who suggestion and give etfect ith 24th January
resident Rishikend in Hardwar and urm maater musicians.
. .
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