DARREANGA ORPHANS. of the Now that m ich farming is one of the The municipalsweeper who was severe
new sweter who was severe. A reprezentative and well-attendal www industries that to introly injured ly the land at Ahmedalud is public nieeting was held at Bankipare on med it.tu India at un sily dit, arr . Bow out of danger though his arm has
the 4tla instant to consider the measures mult of the lawakenin, it tunay been amputated. Lord Minto made to be adopted for the Hindu orphanus of
intreting tglance at the p illi iurint about him, and on finding that the Darbhanga famine. The Hounurable tre of this entur. For the purit of he was in debt to the Benin las paid off Malmtaja Tukari presided. In his presi
w to go to North Africa the delt und in kilition is minde dential Apeech be pointed out how the frow fart for it is in that inty enerous provision for his future. Collector of Darbhanga had refused to that the ith father mustry has been
make orer the fronine vrphans to the Me. P. VIEWS ON THE REFORM. 1. leht tot highest pitih of wrfection;
Ilindins on the plot that he had alrealy
Mr. lepin (handen Pal, lecturing at tall. v fullection, Lindle have been
promised to anke them over to * Chris Manchester drribed Land Morley's u rve that will for a
tinn Mission and the consequent indige Ilia INIC
Reforth it a bribery calculated to
- , Wistes the "Pione."
tion canned by it. He was glad to enmake 4 Metion of the people well thero atly imen, of me for me
nounce that Sir Edward Baker hit mule for its of puttuge. The situation Theu all round the
authorizal him to state that the Hindu in Indian boycutt on the one hand and Vege bottel Iurtir det
orphans will not made over to the churin Twe n t the other. Their general aber, wrt, there are contain
tian Mission, but to a respectable Hindi Ing. I true which, policy w to boyett British poul anul
Orphanage or families. Referring w the
they knew the perhial, pent que tu
facture, beat rupt
action of Mr. Egerton Collector of DarWeath of the British rummeter; hence, atlay. But the mustry is blivelt.
thanga, the Maharaja: "I must say that when the British wundel thwir foeling be 3 vrywille The drund for
Defore comtting himself on no important kun for 14 And the imply they retaliated by touching their pocket
a subject he meould have consulted the rut it 's whose thint T il le retetted the recent outbreak
Head of the Government, as matters of AM W LION often Pol for nogle uf solene, they could not control the im
this kind create naturally a very wing feather of the gl o ur and quali patient spirit of their res, and the ques.
impression of an unfavourable kind ty. The trade fo i imming tin A4 whether it would be pero or 10
agitinst the (lovernment which every volution. If the present wtate of things Iply: 11:0, formance, port continuel, India would be worse than a
C onsille officer bould do his best to fruta w nyawanted to 457,49
obvinte. In the It wonld be new Rumia.
troublons time after When the figure for a
cond Ireland year were
hearing expresion of views on the wall. 561,49) thi litake a lot of feather to LATTORE SEDITION.
jout frin His Honour the Lieutuvernor, Tutke up that weight, but the cry it !
Mr. Jarri , Sperial Magistrate of one may be justified in thinking that bo wity for many "The tastrich feather
Tabere, as the 2nd December, lok up small min-hief is done when junior officers ailen, hein Lebih September
the mwitin 1944 in which Narendra armwate themselves an authority that Iw, w it isi laitur, the
Cupa and charged with relating to belong to them and make pro the weight of feathers of
editi priplet unler Nection 124 A nouncements which have morious disturb Tring II 1.4 in S 04. #1 Mr. M en, Ciovernment Allronte. oning in . It would lie well if, ili the thep ing male in September
half of the Crown, stated that the future, Huch things were avoidel" Indu 1: i t ably car, tarefars, that this
Le printed, wold and circulated and relem leaders attended the meeting rule is the wings and a portable
valiti hook called "Knumi Jalal" ord ULBULVwere urged furning er, it
in out of
national reform.Mr. l'itmulnput in Hindu orphanage for Belar. dal t art with certainly but other
extract of a translation from the Allaha w it in the lit quito tad waruj." Mr. Balakian, Paris paga t adagdag op
tewen," an i intel on the ter and father of the accused appeared THE CALCUTTA HOMEOPATHIO J u ris the king on. The for the defence. The witnesses were
PHARMACY. " bing futi in slipping of the xamined by the primerution including i 1 father. There 41 in In c hes the translator. Mr. Phan alu filed
Established 1866. teritor's that uses hin clima Mpen relating to the continention of the
The first and the leading Ir i e 1 tl tlan n ing portions "Inquilib" for proving e ' pre
Putrmaty in the East. wonych fonquirent.
A large went uit Iwk And r I walked
Si the upprur
come and two pies of "Swaraj" 10
Tarn medicine has just arrived. real why the rich feather in te eet of which p erution was etty well that thrive 11 the right
A new for l'atteet sud other pending hinnt the accused at Allahabad.
skin the Charger under Section 124A wete frana
18 Dr. A. X. Nukerjee M.1). (LSWADESHI LOOMS. 'The Haint Swan Singh and thin) caneutuu'turl daily from Fittle 1. cheap and maint
lalchand Falak will be thru up on the + T.M. Hilde without im H. Working
6th instant. heit Mithat brokage. Pr
BERIGNY & Co. in connection with the trial Kinben ter l y to 1. R . Singh, Brother of Ajit Singh, was arren.
LAL BAYAK STREDT, Calruhu. KOLA, ed on the end instant
oppppppeprognpa ApotCOO (. I. P. Ry.
Speeches of sj. Bala (langadhar Tilak Awarded Modal at the Indian industrial Exhibition of 1906-07.
6 annis Acli cupy.
proches of $j. Aurubindo cha MACHINE-MADE
Annas extch copy.
The Brenderuataram, or selected articles
repinteu froia the world renowned BandeITEEL TIULIS
mutaratu Newspaper Part I, 10 wunas cach CASH BOXES, LOCKS, &c.
Do do Part II annan each copy. Extrart from Mr. J. G. (umming, LC's
Sj. Aurobindo Ghoabes letters to his wife Special Report on Industrial Survey of Ben. A
1 Annonch copy (l'irls Culcutta Gouretr, August 20th, 1904).
To be had alCalcutta Gaertte. Auer TRX ARYA FACTORY OP 107, MACHUA BAZAR ROAD, CALCUTTA, turns out good
14, SAHN BAZAR STREET, 167, Machua BAZAR RUA, Caloutta. Tel. Add.:-"TRUNKS" CALOUTTA
Calcutta ! or Bandemataren ottive Poul
occdodarbocado sobado