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..... NEWS.
The Fenwick Bazar Police sainted by PATIALA ERDITIOX.
The two persons who were arrested in A petition was filed on the 26th ultimno
the Criminal Investigation Departnient connection with the bomb incident, and by M ars. Rourbanal. and Baidridas are equiring into an alleged theft of
were taken to Ahmedabad fur identificacounsel for the accused in the Patials
fourteen revolvers and an automatic tion by Mr. Baumw, the Commissoner, edition came to the Special Tribunal un pintol belonging to the firm of Meners.
have been brought back. Neither of them complaining that in spite of its order the
Lyon and Lyon gunuiakers of Chowrin- was the man seen by Mr. Barrow. It
ghi, Deputy Inspector-Cloneral and the Super
Mr. Lyon, Menior partner alno cannot be ascertained whether they
of the firm, who had been on leave in intendent of Police did not allow Coun
were in Ahmedabout on Novenilor 13th sel to interview the accused until a
Europo lately returnel to Calcutta Sub Several Bengalin and others were called written order was produced.
nequent to his arrival in (kleutta he by the police, but nothing hun tirospired The Special Tribunal thereupon re
took stock of the goods in the Arm and As to the identity of the culprit. Mr. J.
on Sunday dincovered the theft of the iterated its order of allowing facilities to
Sladen, the Collector, har innued a notifica counsel to consult the accusech.
revolvern which appears to have been tion announcing reward of RA 6.000 to committed some time in September. Mr. whomederer ran give information regard
Halliday, Commissioner of Police, vinted ing the offender. TRANSVAAL INDIANS the firm's premises ,
Canesh Prnand Bannerji, the Bengalee, QITENTION 1 HOU'AL
And Nandlal Pran Shanker, the Gujarati In the House of Commons on December NARAYANGANJ SENSATION.
Hindu, who were recently arrestad on WUR1st Mr. O'Grady asked question calling
1* On Dec. 4th 80 revolver cartridges were picion by the Bombny police for being attention to the meetings held in India
found on the roof of the Int Munsiff's concerned in tho outrage at Ahmedabad to protest against the treatment of Court in Narayanganj whilo the masons
have been released for want of identifica Tudians in the Tranursal and suggesting were working there. They informel
tion. that India should prohibit indentured
the Police. Then Harendra Kumar Chone Indian labour in South Africa M 4
THK "SWARAJYA SEDITION CARE Dy Magistrate and Jogesh Chandra Sen protest.
The hearing of the came in which NandGupta Head Constable, came there and The Master of Elibank replied :
Romel, Fditor of tronk those cartridges. The District
woekly Urdu paper "Lord Morley and the Government of
"WANYA," chargol under section 124 Superintondent of Police arrived here. India are giving their constant Atlantion
A originally fixed for 2nd December has to the subject, but Lord Morley is at
been ontponed till 13th January, 1910 a THE "SWARAJ" AGENT.
he is still at Lahore where present anable to make any statement as
charge of Mr. Anton, the Chief Presidency Magisto the future policy of the Government
Rodition has been franod Against him in trate dinposed of a matter in wlrich notice of India."
consequence of which it has not been po 1 was inoned against Mr. Vincent, Deputy
wible to proceed with the case against him Comissioner of Police at the instance of
in Allahand. Towx HALL MEETINO.
anesh Balwant Modak of Bombay, the A largely attended inceting was held agent of the "Swaraj" newspaper pub
AURA TOTTUNE CARL in the Town Hall on Friday under the liabel in London and who was recently
The Sessions Judyo hra delivered judy presidency of Hari Abdul Jablar, Khan convicted under Section 1944. The
ment on the application for revision mado Hahulur to consider the position of the notice called upon Mr. Vincent to show
by Me. Morton and Sharm, Bare-itIndians in the Transvaal. The gathering CRUNO why papers, Account book, corres
law, against the finding of the Joint. was all influential and thoroughly repondence etc. seized by the police in
Magistrate of Agr's quittiak Ciajadhar Penentative one. The prech of Mr. that can should not be returned. The
Prasad, Police Sub Inspector, who was Polrk, the Transvaal delegate, who des (lovernment Solicitor appenred with
charged with mult and wrongful concribed at length the pathetic incidents in Mr. Vincent to show use but
finement etc. The application was dis connection with the strugglo that the A Modak did not put in appearance
mixed. Indians are keeping up with all their
the notice wea dincharged. might and wain, created a profound
DEMAND FOR INDIAN C O . impression.
It seems likely that the deruand for ALLEGED POLICE ZOOLUM.
Indian cutton will be exceptionally krent
Soma Nerious charges of robbery and AN 'RDU WORK.
when the exporting when it in. Not wrongful confinement against four police Shains-ul-Ulma Moul Syed Ali Bilg.
only is there meriony whortage in the officers are under inquiry in the Court of raini M. A., Litt Doctor who translated
American emplut Egypt is excepted to the Joint Magistrate of Allahabad. It is in Urxlu M. Gustace Lisbon's French,
Mupply 50,000 tons les work on Saracenic Civilisation in engaalleged that a Head Constable and three
then last year.
The ravages of the ball wor'in soon to la gulvordinates boat and robbed two Ahir ged in preparing an Urdu vorsun of the
chiefly responsible for the smaller fleld in who were returning night with money name Savant's remarkable work on In
she lower Nile Valley. It may be dian Civiliation.
after gambling and after locked them up M. Libon wade several
noted as an extra-ordinary developunt in the police station. Next morning the tour in India to acquaint himself with
arising from the critical position of the complainants were released on lail by the the different aspects of Indian Civilisa
trade that American Mills are wrid to be Sub Inspectors when they made the subtion before writing the work.
enquiring for Indian cotton ject of inquiry.
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