ORT THE MEN THAT M83. liberal po hint of her githe Fortune Truhe, gin of the orator; he had
hor favours. A splendid physique, ro- literary talent of an imitativo kind Mr. Romesh Chandra Detais bupt and massive equipped him to but no literary genins; ho wrote dad. After a long lito of the most
bear the stmin of an unceasing acti- well on scholastic subjects and manifold it untiring mergy.
vity: A nature buoyant, sanguine, translated pleurantly and effectively, l'amour, honorul, advanced in years,
strong, a healthy as his frame, but was no grent Sanskrit , scholar: with name known in England ng
armed him against the shocks of life he ainnot rank with Roape or even well as India the man always
wyd commanded Nuccess by insisting with Mr. (iokhele asian economi. sticcessful, always favoured of For
upon it; an egoism natural tw such cian, and yet his are the must
a robust vitality seized on all things tuine, always striving to deserve
politically effective contributions * her by skill and diligence, type of
As its provender and enabled ita pois economical literature that recent a race that passes, of a generation
error thoroughly to enjoy the gooil years have produced. It must be
things of life, which is successfully that ta younger minds is fast losing
admitted that his activity and demanded; a great tact and savoir the appearance of reality and
dexterity of work wero far in excurs faire stered him clear of unnecess possibility, has passed away at the
of his literary ability or scholastic nry friction and avoidable difficul- bright and summit of his career
conscientiousness. It is doubtful. he fore his great capacities could
ties; an unrivalled quickness of therefore, whether any of his volumi.
gmsp, absorption and assimilation, nous work in justify themselves to the full in his
any kinds will be moro fucile than now station, but also before the
subtle or deep, much longer remembered, with the dcfects of his type could be tho
helped him to make his own all that possible exception of his Bengali his.
he heard or rend: 1 mpid though 'torical novels in which he touched mughly subjected to the severe
not ingenious bruin showed him how ordent of the times thnt have come
highwater mark. His translation to use his materinl with the best upon us. The Inndmarks of the past
of the Rigveda by its caso and crisp tall one by one and none risc in
effect and most practical utility: ness blinds the uninitiated render to their place. The few great survivors
and a fucile pon and specch which the fact that it may be a very here and there become more and
never prused for a thought or a pretty translation but it is not the more dignified monuments of the
world, could always be trusted to Veda. His history of Ancient
clothe what he wished to last century and less and less crea
convey Indian civilisation is a mesterly
in a form tors of the living present. New
respectable and effect- compilation, void of original research, ideal, new problems, new men, al
ive and so well put as to conceal which is rapidly growing antiquat
the absence of native literary focul. ed. In fact, the one art Mr Dutt inost a new mce wholly different
ty and intellectual distinction. These had in the highest degree and in in mind, character, temperunent, feeling, rise swiftly and wait till
were Nnture's presents to him at which alone it can bo anid that he
his birth. Fortune placed him in did not only well but best, was the they can open the gates of the future and occupy the field of
woulthy, wellread and wellknown art of the journalist, and the pamph
family gave him action.
the best alran- leieer. Originality and deep thought;
are not required of a journalist, nor The official, the Congress politi
tages of education the titnes could cian, the wellread litterateur, the
afford, Mont him to England and delicncy, nor subtlety, nor deepthought Oriental echolar. the journalist,
opened the doors of the Civil his sucocus would be limited tather
Service, the pinnacle of the young than assisted by such qualities. T. proficient in English and fluont of Wstern ideas, the professional inan
Indinn's spiration in his days, seize victorionsly on the available
and crowned him with the highest materials, catch in them what will be successful and sleek, these were the
prizes that that highest of careers interesting and effective and put it Toreinost men of the old generation, those who were in the eyes of all
could yield to a man of his hue brightly.nnd clearly, thin in the shta, the best, in whose footsteps,
and blood. It is characteristic of dharma of the journalist, and, if we therefore, all strove to follow and
his career that he shonld have died add the power of making the incat
ELS Prime Minister of the Indian of a case and enforcing en whose pattern all formed them
given view wolves. An active, self-confident,
Stato which has been most necess- with irresistible cberky, dexterity voiceful generation making up by ful in reproducing and improving and apparent uniwerublonen, we
shall have added all that is necemary these qualition for the lack
upon the Anglo-Indina model of of mministration,
to turn the journalist into the bright, depth and breadth in their
pamphleteer. No man of our time culture and atoning for the un- r. There were limits, as we have
has had these gifts to the same er. rigiunlimitation to which they hinted to the liberality of Nature. Of
tent as Mr. Dutt. The best thing he were doomed, by the fidelity in de- all the great Bongalis of his time
ever did were in our view, hilettail and truework of the imitation! Romesh Chandra Dutt was per
ters to Lord Curzon and his Econo In all but one of these lines of haps the least originnl. His ad.
mic History. The former fixed pubitivity Mr. Dutt had nchieved a ministrative faculties were of the
lic opinion in India irretrievably high distinction among tho men second order, not of the first;
and nobody cared even to consider of his own generation und we though he stood for a time foremost
Lord Curzon's answer. "That set doubt whether another man could stoong the most active of Congress
tles it" way the general feeling be pdintel out among them so politicians and controversialisty, he unnysided, su full of strength and
every ordinary roader contracted for was neither a Ranade nor Suren,
good niter reading Romesh Dutt's hope and energy. By confident, Rodranath, had neither the gift of the uniformly suggessful. Nature was organiser and political thinker nor brilliant and telling indictinents USB CHATTERJI BRO'S RASOB AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS THE BEST & RELLABLE IN THE NARKET