official control insistent, naked and they are a Farmecide's feast; gorge unashamed. But we know perfectly ons 'dishes and silver covers with well that official control veiled only nnáubstantial nir inside, and
und unsional, nu in the univers even from that chameleon's feest the Mitics, can be inado ng potent and educated classes are carefully exclud trictive a weapon for the suppressioned, except in a pitifully infinites
independent action as official imal degree. Yet the Anglo-Indian contri direct and habitual. And popers are indignantly remonstrating if the European, the Mahomedan with the educated clients for not on the landlore nre to prezlominnte crowding to the table where thero in the Municipalities is in the re- are no meats for them and feasting formed councils and the representa themselves fint on the dainty invisition of the "profokional classex" ble ments which others are so enger carefully restricted, we do not care to partake of. It may be asked why whether it is done by separate elec- others are so anxious for these aerial tortes or by some other equally privileges. Well, that is because it careful manipulation of the electoral is only the educated classes who are lists. The result will be the same. really hungry for subetantial politi- The Daily Newsrems to be inspired cal food, the others nre cager to see in its anxiety for reform by two and handle the gorgeous dishes and lolly motives, the predominance of the silver covers, to say nothing of the European vote, wealthy but small the kudos or of having dined at so rich in mmbers, and the distinction of a house and ity material advantages the predominance of the professional to the individual. But the educatmen who, under present circums- ed Hindus have had a surfeit of 1ince, can alono represent educated
specious outsidos and are learning Indis. On the Councils the non
to mergo the interests of the indivisetticiul European representation is
dual in the good of the nation. small, not in proportion to the
The Last Resort. nilimbers of its constituency, but in its comparative voting power, yet
The resort to boycott is becoining this class is on the whole satisfied,
instinctive in men's blood; not only hearing it not only gets whnt it
in India but everywhere, men conknows to be disproportionntely large
fronted by opposition of nnture representation but can be sure of
which rendere it impossible to denl the co-operation of the officint in
with it effectively, take to boycott tarthering its interests. On the
with an admirable spontaneity. The Municipalities, if the dirget officio
rapid prend of this ancient Indian
rapid ap control disappears, it will be neces
device since China and India applied sary for the European vote to be
it for the first time on the gigantic dominant Au as to prevent a com
Asintic scale, is a sign of the timos. bination of other elements troin
We can naturally understand the pushing other interests to the
feeling of discomfort which leads detriment of European privilege or
the Anglo-Indian Papers to depremonopoly. The distinction which cate this move on the part of the this journal, in common with other
Modernten. It is true that the reAnglo-Indian puport, draws between ported agreement to boycott the mon with a real state in the country
Councils has been denied by reand educated men, who apparently presentatives of Moderate opinion, because of their education have
but; whether a formal resolution to nene, Ahed a Hond of light on the the effect way recorded or hund of friendship which it cherishes net at the momentouy meeting for the people of this country.
in the Indinn Asrocintion's sonins, it Chowrtaghoe Humoar.
in this policy which the Monterate l'hy Staterman 29 friend was are following for the excellent reason
are following for the ex intolerable: #humuurint it is that there is no other. As they hantly less difficult to bear. There pathetically complain, it is not they was an elephantincnttempt at sardo-who have boycotted tho Governnic humour in recent Articlo in ment but the Government which which it weightily urged the has boycotted them. That is not, oducatod community to ovvrlonk de. of course, literally true. Sj. Ambika focter and take full and generous ad charap Majumdar who has refused to vantage of the grent opportunity stand as a candidate, is eligible from the benefits of which under the Government rules; the they bave been excluded. That is disabilities in the way of Sj. the peculiar humour of these reforego Bhopendranath and Surendrarias
have beeri waived or rentowed. But this the Government has taken come to onere, that if they enter. and eyideatly the Government de ing that wory should enter, it shall be as grandiose nonentities, stripped of all powerful backing, individual voices and nothing more Co-opertion on such conditions would be the end of the Moderate party in Bengal and the absolute destruction of the Modemtes is an event, which, we confess, we could not contemplate with cquanimity. Wo poed a party which will forin A convenient channel threagh which the Government can glide graduallv down the path of concession until events have educated our bureaucracy to the point of "recogniting the necessity of negotiation with the Nationalista. We are thereforo glaul that the Government has made it imperative on the Moderates to answer boycott - with boycott. We have expressed our namirntion of the skill with which the Reform Regulations have been framod, but it is the skill of the keen-eyed but limited tactician clevely. manipulating forces for a small immediato gain, not of the far- . seeing political strategist. On the contrary, the framers have flung away supports which they ought to have secured and secured others which aro either wenk or unreliable. The nonentities who aro scrambling for a seat in the Council cannot hold the fort for them; thu Hupport of the landholders is lacking in sincerity and they are, besides, force the bureaucrcy themselves have stripped ruthlessly of their ancient strength and leadership, which cannot now be recovered by a seat on the Councils: the Mus. sulmans have suddenly been risid by the amazingly shortsighted policy of Lord Morley into an cugnar, ambitious and pushing political force which will demned a higher and ever higher price for its support. On the other hund the Muleratos have been bumilint.' ed in the sight of all India and made a general laughing stock, nnd the entire Hindu community, alwnye the mightiest in potentiality in the land und now growing conscious of its night, has been put for on tho was to becoming a parmanent and ambittered opporitive. O wonders of Anglo-Indish states' manabip! .