Tocident vb.
offendered parlowed or (1) bas been debut clere, for which of theme electorate bo
ARXKDABAD, PEET. red from practining ma legal practitioner whall werRod the choice or declaration The "Advoortaan by order of any content Authority or (() shall be exclusive. . .
on the Ahmedabad bomb incident uber 1. lier'n deelared loy the Lieutenant- (?) When any mich choice or declara-1 fiovernor tale of web reputation and tion but been made, the vote recorded | "Be fat as we are able to judge there is Audents that bir clition would in his for woch person in any electorate for mbaolutely nothing to connect it with pinin, o nly to the public in which he is not to to serve whall be deered the chain of recent erimes which die
not to have been who have expert know. turled other side of Ipdia and not P lot in UHC# ( la. (A) Teilge of subjects conected with propria little evidence to suggest that add () the di qualifiction may be re
p ending leginlation shall hold come of any organized consipracy of by An arxler of the Lieutenant office for three years or Auch mharter kind. That it is nerious enough that Cinner in this chall
I period as the Lieutenant-liovernor may it has prolaldy cost human life and V. No non lle eligible for at the time of minntion determine. that it might have been worse is quite lection under any publend of Re.
(to be runtzared.)
undeniable un particular act however Qulation 11 low he ww the quali
in pired and with whatever bestive, fint prescribed for candidates in the
would let the last to minimise it S cule regulating letiotin under that
but we hope that until the facts are Hubbal
fully know if no handle will be given VI. NOHTO shall lic itiral to SWADESHEIN (ALLT ITA
to carmonigers who are always with
A Sw.denki meting was held at College trat any election hell under these
us to turn this part of the county Square on Sunday at 3-30 pm. Babu Regulation if much ID
upside down and to fabricate crespirnica Teli PruMANDA Roy (howdhuri was to (H)Ir a female or (b) is a ninor or(-)
and plots which exist only in heated have prevideel over the meeting. But Te been w el hy #rumpeten rivil
and fantastic inaginations. Until ne uwing to him unavoidable aluence the chair it to lie of und mind.
have Bengal's justification for it and we was takenly Fabu Lalit Muhandra, M.
A VII. Erry On who in elector
believe there is no wign of it we have ominated under thew Regulation to
The meeting opened with the well-known no desire to see this presidency ovemember of council wall before
hintinnal ning "Amar Desh" For
First all, run with OPAR! fabrications whicla
Babu Syam Lall iwwami delivered an taking him wat wake, nt a meeting of
accompanied actual wrong doing in Benimpressive peech dwelling upon our the funcil, anthor utfituation of his
gal. Within the Lounds of possibility Swadeshi work during the last four years that crime has no reigen in the activity allegiance to the crown in the following
He oweved that every one of the was fra hany:
of Indian Anarchints at all and that bound by a wott of national obligation to ITA. R Inving been elected nominn.
bene were of firewok type largely whow hin deep and heartfelt reapert to the tell member of the Lieutenant-Cover
in te during the Dewali festival and ..of W aldo wolemnly HWORT (or
deporter. The best means to show this quite capable, if careeruly handled .
Tweet to thein is to preserve Swadeshim alim) that I will bar toe lleginnce
doing damage actually indietid on 14 1. His Majesty the King Emperor of
in twt monining Mtrictly within the unfortunate bullock cart driver." imi Hin beitt hru CONADIH And that
Lounds of law. He then referred to the I will faithfully discharge the duty of
injuries entwed ly the recent eyelone to AGRA POLICE RER-ISKETOR'S CASP. 1. Hier un which I am thout to
the porest inhabitants of Faridpur. The came of Police Sub-Inspector.
Jure, Kbulus and animal and added (iajadhar Perhad has now gone up for entes. 1. To IHALK SKATA VACANT.
thut if the innerunt do not readily revision before the errsion Judge of
o Vill. (1) If any permou () not being
f fund the calatuitos of those Agin. This Police officer, it is alleged,
will know no bounde He was ligilile for loution 14 sleuted under these
severely Akulted wome Indian rewidents, fluwe ly l'enclit liimpati. Kalyatirth liekulations, or (b) having len subiect t..
men and women living in his circle, kees - Ni babe la yf the list Mlities tuted in lawn (0)
Dutt deliveredd ing them under wrongful confinement t ulntion IV, a fails
www (-) ( (v) or (l)
in to the Swadeshi and and attempting to extort money to tutke the water armation N
Intl. In thing up the Presidedt ibel
from them. It will be remembered
heel that ly Wall the foundation Iy Regulation VII within the time an une of unde-Lin. We must not give
that the accused Wa discharged the Lieutenant (intner may concler it up. The meeting then dissolved. Ly the Joint Magistrate of Ag. Thu Iwonalile, the Lieutenant-Governor shall
levision was Aled by R. G. Shu y notification in the local official inzettu
na Bar-at-law One of the grounds in telare in election or otimation to be
that the Lower Court should bare
ACGOUNTANTS & AUDITORS." Void or his heat to le vacant.
wommitted the case to the Court of (?) When any such declaration in milo B. MUKER JEL & Co.
Sessions when it hold that the injuries Wu Lieutenant Governor shall, by nuti.
Diplomad Accountants & Auditors
1.d been caured by the police and that lication is afruil, oull upon the recto
1ere was substratom of truth aud Filtererned to elect the H
(London) ill, within
that it was unable to sift the truth
93, Clive Street, Chluta such time may be prescribed by much
from exaggerated statement Tbe case notification, or shall with the notion of UKRASERK "RONIT AND SATISFACTORY
continues to excite ibe greatest interest
WHEN IT Moderate Fees. the Governor General nominato another pent, w the we may be.
9ganestore"ọcoccong noel (3) If any punog uleted at such freslo
10 THE CALCUTTA HCK ECPATHIC eletion in not eligible for cleotion, the
1 Lieutenant-ltovetoor my with the like
PHARMACY. Annction, continet any pervon who is !! Established 1866. paliville for election by the electorate . The first and the ladie "mopathio concernoct .
Plat maoy in the East. & IX. (1) If may person is oleted by AJAN, Mynment of hours and mou thasou alectorat he whall, by 1 & Emydivines hus junt a rived. notice in writing wigned by bim and deli-19.4. peritiu fur Cancer and other vered to the Chief Secretary to the whiu dicam G'overnment of Bengal, .within Noven 3 Dr. A. N. Mukerjéo M.D. (Phila! da y form the date of the publication of delphia) can be durulted daily from The rowult of woh alections in the local r. ........ official Casette whore, or in his default BERIGRY & Co. the Lieutenant-Clovernor shall dealsro, for 2 . LA BLA STRE, Calcune
cu ocaat TONQootosegh