I bow to thee; Mother,
AN IMAGE. richly-watered, richly-fruited, erol with the winds of the south,
Rishing from Troy like a clonil on the plains the dark with the crops of the
Trojans thundered
Jun 18 harresti,
term womes thundering thick with the dust the Mother!
of kingdoms her strands rejoicing in the glory
Elged with the devious dance of the lightning, so all TNIM of the monight,
Lou with the mar of the chariot loud with the enunt hirlandy clothed beautifully with
and the war-cry, her troos in flowering bloom,
Rushed from Troywaris gleuning with spears and relled swoct of laughter, sweet ofnpouch,
enormous. the Mother, giver of boons, giver
Joyous ne ever Paris let them glancing in Armour,
Brilliant with gold like a bridegroom, playing with of blisal Terrible with the clanorous
leath and battle shout of seventy million
Even ns in his chamt er he played with benutiful Helen
Touching her body rejoiced with low and lyrical Innghter,
throats, and the shares of worly
So he laughed as he smote his foemen. Round him the amous. misecl in twice seventy
Rund hin the speurs of the Argives tong like million hands
voices of mailen Who sayeth to thec, Mother, that
Trilling the song of bridal bliwy, the chant hymnened: thou art weak?
Round him the warriors fell like flowers strewn brwial Holder of multitudinous strength,
Red with the beauty of bloodl. I bow to her who gives
AL' ROHINDO GHONE her who Trives from her the armies of her foemen,
r onel or winding leginlat , ... the Mother!
LUUNGILD NETUIM. Wembers of the (vancil:
Irwvided that it will not lir innfaller Thou art knowledge thou art
the Lieutenant ( or len tu. conduct, BENGAL LEGISLATIVE
many official per under the Regalo 1 hout our heart, thout our stil
tion that the majority of all the members for thou art the life in our
of the Council well in this body.
11. The twenty-six letel embar in the all'inthou art might, In exercise of the power conferred try!
specified in Regulation. I will le lected
| As follows, namely: O Mother, rection R, Hub-ection (%) of the Indian
(i) By the corption of the in the heart. O Mother thou art Huncil Act, 1009 ( 9 Edw. 7, ch. 1), the
member. Governor-Cieneral in Council ham, with love and faith. the approval of the Secretory of State
(11) Hy the l'hiversity of Chitta 1 It is thy image we raise
memler. for India in Council, appointed the oth in every temple
(vii) ky the municipal day of November, 1909, an the cate on
menler For thou aut Darga holding her which the provisions of the nitid Act shall
(iv) By the chastit
MAIN RU con intention for all
i tan Weapons of war,
(v) Hy the lenehollen5 metuens lammal at play in the lotus for all councils in British India.
(vi) by the Mahomean tunity 1 In cartime of the power conforted by aul Sporch, the goldless, giver
meindrin. nection of the Indian Councils Art, 1904 of all lore.
(V11) ly the Len al humber of (9 Elw.i, (h. +), the Governor General To thee I bow !
mere 1 member in Council hus, with the approval of the I bow to ther, guldess of wealth
(11) By the enkrutta Tries. Secretary of State for Iudin in Gunel,
1 memberi pure and peerless, mulu the following Regulations for the
III. The election of the members richly-walterce, richly-fruited, nomination and election of Members of
preilied on Regulation 11 shall be elected the Mother! the Legislative (uncil of the Lieutenant
by the electorate a cordance wit I bow to the Mother cloverner of Bengal -
tlou penedores Tomctively p ribelin ELEX TION AND NOMINATION. dark-huudl; candid,
the Schedules anneal to the Rru 1. (1) The Members of the LAN
tim. sweetly smiling, jewelled and
lative aucil of the Lieutenant-liovernor IV. No won whall be eligible for acornel,
of Bengal shall urdinary wint of... Bertion a mber of the councilir ! the holder of wealth, the lady A. - Members elected by the ANAE'
11 - of plenty, Maritied in Reguintin II, who shall be
() IN not Britih ubject of (6) the Mother! twenty-six in number:
a fende or() lan bern nulwg d l. 1. Membene nomintel by the Lieute competent cival court to be of want.Chovertor, with the winetin of the mind or (l) in under twenty five you Governor General, when wall but exceeelfie () 14 An un tid . .. twenty-two in number and of wann (1) rupt or an und scharged Invont, #! not more than seventeen may be oficial, ha n di Uind f the insti.
And (b) two shall be non-official person ment Nervice or (9) het toen nie. Silver
to be wale tod, one from the Indian con by a criminal onurt to imprimuntunut to
mercial community and one from the an offence puninbable with imprint ownmaake FOOTBALLS. planting community.
for torno exceding wis mountby, ..
transportation or hoe beth order Agents wantod everywbere. (2) In addition to the forty-eight unem. Liste free on application. bers above specified, the Lieutenant-Giover. Ind nourity for good behaviour un...
the Code of Criminal produse SEN SEN nor may nominato two more persona, whe-
mentence or order not having ul . thor officials, or non officials, having ex 1, Chowringhee CALOUTTA.
l , 11.. pert knowledge of subjects connected with I ty been reverneci
5 ore Medals