WORKS. expert were then ozumined. The crews No. 1, Nogal Xuria, simla P. O.
Aswa gandha Wine
truth in what the complainant stated | INDIAN CHEMICAL
in this and other stanza. 'The accured A HARUF. The Delhi correntent of the Tribune
held the complainant nw great bon ter
and that he could ruin any body he writer: The news will be real with
liked and lautly that he had drawu the urprise that Mr. Wrtern, M. A. Princi.
nowe mond Mr. Tilaks neck to Net L pel of the larul Nt. Stephen's Minion
him wwing. A Sub-Inspector of Polide bul, han tinnel you and jniner! ther Hrotherhof the Imitation of Christ.
and the printer and publisher and an It w loe interesting to trate that the hunthe n it ardent supporter
examination bring reserved the came Wan in Mr. Stakeywho recently came fun
al journed. The application for lang Imerim and the chief aim is to help man
pement W opied by the pre
e . hind and loa very simple life Mr. tren, A., is 44 ar leder ATP
DAVLOER MUATNAT THE DAILY EXPRESS." mare, the Examiner of the B A. and
In the King's Bench Division, before V. A. per of the Punjab University
Mr. Justice Grantham and mund the het leunel bacilar in mathe
special jury
an netion w'n triecl in which lala lajit wetin hering the thrinat (antbridge Atul lwen declared
Rui nned the proprietors of the Daily
the Senin Wrangler there. Mr. Western ut al
E ra fornlibel contained in an article I wdly left l.is fruhinnable us in the
published in July, 1907, alleging that the
plaintiff had submitted to the Amir of P. Mission Home Anul in living in a
Afurninn #plet the delivery of Sory all run in the School Berling H India from the British Raj." The defen
Wellknown invigorating tonic of . Alhol), I long overgarment For
cante admitter that they had published and witting form the necruitir af lain
bowly and mind. It had been ruose Laily life, Mr. Western will remain in the
defumuntury matter concerning the plain. wiel is the best tonic alterative el for Nix this more till the retun tiffanl tendered an apolnky.
in Nervolis debility Exhilusion, Lars The jury found for the plaintif with M. Marli, the Principal of the School, £50 danger.
of Memmory. Brainfag Dimness of in the love all cuentional work and
I'lnintitl's rou , Mr. David, vaid the
sight, Confusion of Idlus, of in with the rand devote his time plaintit in May, 1907, was deported from
vigotir, Nervous healache, palpitawith the HANUM. It in further being
India and the defendants mid le W Enter that Mr. Western will lead
tion of heart, Mental prostration, dujorted on a charge which, by their simple life and found * "Gurukul at
General sleeplesUSB etc. - 07. plending, they admitted they could not Kutegurh in Nimia Hills, but this matter
phiul Ro. 1 Dozen Rs. 11. Pound till
sultantiate. He Wah went to Mandalay roquires verification. However without trial. On June 17, 1907, *
RA. 3-8 Mr. Western's action in an example of
come pondunt of the Daily Arrow in rue self- rifice and will be an eye.
Simla sunt a letter Hoe which was pubher to Hont of the Indians. Mr.
lished on July 16th. It w hemele; Western in already maintaining himself
Mystory of an Exile. Why ish arch. F ix rupper month.
Indu agitator Wils deported.' IRISI DEFAMATION ARE.
Mi. t. ! Nening, l'rufen of English A potent remedy for habitual Chis 'The District Magistrate of long WAH literature at Labore, gave evidence de
tipation cough gout rheumatism engingud in hearing thon in which hying that lajpat Rai Wild Tender of the Nilkunt Wanian Blide plever and an
worms, biliousness and poles. wellitious Overbent, though he sud
The Changadhar Kandolikar printer and pul. A home rule for Inulin at meeting
best nervine tonic adminisured in Ther of the "Bharat KhuL" PROKA at India Houwe.
Convalescent state oz. phinl Re. 1. y the Honbile Mr. K. Mr. Justice Cirunthum is wunming up Dozen Rx 11. Rx 3-8 Per pound. khale with defamation. The lintritnic - The plaintiff was deportedly Macintrate in the INt ultimo krantellar Marley. No one wa demitted by war. hghinnt both who were releitmed Larul Morley. No one was more reful cita bail. Aito represented Mr. Gioklule of the liberty of the Nulijeet than Lard
An ideal combination of lodisel. and Mr. Lupita Barat law, from Morley, and everyone but the gatext
Sarsapurilla with goll. The best Homimy with four la plunder de contiene in him, and he justitiel that remely for all suits of veneziali frnde Mr. Bhide. The wond cele contiene. The plaint it was detest, u mercurial taint in the bloul. + on leudering an apology and offering and on the evidence they know the plan h ial Rx 1-12. Dozen Rs. 20 to kive donation of two hundred pen till had taken
tiff had taken part in meetings got up for u kuro Widow's Home and a similar the purpose of agitation. Itunnars got
Pound Rs. 6-8. amount of the Depressed cluence Mission about, and two months afterwards the the complainant agreed to withdrew
defendant's correspondent in Simla went the charges and accept the apology.
over a report stating the ret on wby the Kandolhat Will Neerlingly ay ittud.
plaint it was deported. That reason WRA ( examination of the Hon Mr (tokhale
untrue, and they had to wastine that expand he willingness to acrept the
there wat no truth in it at all. The Apology. "Tho CIMC Aguinat Mr. Bhide
defendanta did not justify the label. The w e reded with complainaut stateci
plaintiff wantod An apology that would that the object of publebing the WIDEAS
rehabilitate his character by the muscle wrh to lower him in
It is used sucessfully in Acidity estimation of the public. The LANZA
Indigestion and diarrhoea. Very conalso imputed that the complainant was
venient for Mofussil intriguing with SWADESHI LOOMS
inhabitants. British Coverament with whom
13 oz phial As. 8. Dozen Rs. 5-4. he y'n installing himselt Flyshuttle Lone cheapest and most and bul brought almut the ruin of Mr. profitable without iron parta
Completo catalouge sent froe op
Working Tilrk who wis extremely popular and on tinor counts without breakage For application. 1114 wole object was to turn the current terms apply to D. B & Ca
* of popular feeling Ryninst the compla
N. BASU inant. There was not a particle of
G. I. P. Ry. Manager.
Limbued on July oth It w hemelet : Essenceofdrakasha