In the case against Virumal Begraj.
Wit! ferencu hi Lancky buy mules Information rrachol the Burlwan di proprietor of the Elwand Pret Nukkur
gintinlu laas just come from Dnet police that another thuilt of dyna and two other the artised were som
bi, informs is that business in bridesli wite has been committed from a colliery mitted to the Sensions for trial.
'has for more suonths *** Kalipahari. The exact quantity
how I decided upward tendency in the which was stolen is not yet known, but
uklapital. A year we had the otis is believed to he large quantity. The TATA 1 kk.
futut tort thut the piecguel. tief of dynamiter in Kaliphari in net!
The plant which is now being erect market in that city were almost duert. befintf its kind as there was animi
linuntetion with the Tuin Trond. Delhi, an is well knwn, in the prin bar urrence only a few months ngo Work will be of the most modern type
cipal emporium for immittent o n an including cighty coke ovens, two
wore brity in Northern India, Hit Kalijuhari from a collire longing
ern bit furnarne an electrical genem. the woeful condition that ke bidesh walempany in which manuten
ting station developing 3.000 kilowattu, mart were
4 with W al hundreul rupe
joyful night from the wat
Jesht point of view. But weavy inform ten in wildition
# Martin atrol work with 40 teu furn to upiera! heavy Take which were wacked them for
Arth and mixer as well n rolling planted that a change as we ner three the pupwe of blasting. A vigomus police
the total annual rapacity being 1: The local bidenli bazar, wow for the
(W) tons of pig inn rail ct S ilylaut reral year's weemneil tuleth piry in proceeding to the monter
cheap transport forms have been per verge of being hut up, w far without any matisfactors te
plungint.. al from the Indien muilway authoriti e s and artit, ew the
who have alwaly placed in order with emand for bideshi tu u Been MX KEIR HARDIE AND THE KING the concern for 300,000 tour of nails
brink that in
the low water vi. Krir Farlie M. P. waking at and everything will appear to have by the wholesale wil
d e 13 Sunderland maid: "I hope it is not true been done to enter the term of the bidrshi ban been reped..-"A. B. tlaat the King is intervening in this had undertakin.
tik." trt clipute. So long the King re.
T LET DAY SALKK, MINU ontwide of Party politice he
The l'
ur write Anett the will THX PATIALA EDITION CAKE a harin and can letleratr.l. The
News About extradition of Jwalapershad
of hidralii piere-goud in the the Day nt the Throne legins tw interfere in connection with the Patiala N 1
of the Marwari merbants which fell in politica it is not only the (uronot unfounded. On noused namel Fol
Sunday before lent, the Empire" learns the Prer that would then go into the chand has been released by the policy
from a thoroughly reliable sourre," thout elting pot but the crown would go
the wale amounted to about 22.00) pik but Charanjilal who was lied out by ing with it." The llur l'art de
Ag. This, why the paper, in "up to the specul Tribunal l not been yel wwel four things - That every childhe relement. There is no knowing when the
anticipation all things considerel." "The all have plenty to eat, every trong
Lucky Day tri IN HIP ronwider! CASOS will me up for hearing before man whould work that every aged per.
to be the best of the M oth the Xperial Tribunal w should have caufort ; thint all should
Wine of Swadeshi in Weutta and general
The win Kung the round of the 1: ive freedom.
felation of the Ang... Indian Prew that the Arya Pratinidhi Subia,
I thin connection Electieu the notic of (XII.LANT... Punjab han vote rupu ten thout
all Swade whiskern. Intire in TSA A unler wition 104 P. C.de or the dolence of the Penth wifferens
the "Emire" Nilun the subject t Babalik rudayal Nas, Juanran. Thu new to little m otion. 'lhr
Un alt karen, however, which pun 14 iun, Prfulla (handra Gupta, A ter II up hefte Le xetin
Camillu and Aller # un konur Chakravarti of Chandpur,
uod leaf is.
rably qualify the hopeful outlook at
hithi buninpy e on Lucky Dus W.fired for henring on the oth Novem Curiouit wat deel that the general Jungsfor example, few luy Lolow
the remark that the male we 1- before the District
Sabhu Dealin' the Executive body had Magistrate.
l .. anticipation '
ti'at "it W:14 They appeared and tiled sepint written 1)# pwer tu vuta le kell tu te In
Title #dull time, wherly penkiny statement. The case will be taken up 10,000 in nid of the Arya majiMH at Furth down We told this year be
R! were very multe owk in Patiala if it is the 2015 November. As me
found that their only
prohlity, to the luck ready och wituent for the prosecution were present came in that they are Arya Samanth.
for Manchester U " Agam. "the 1. lay thes, Megatrate has ordet ud uc Tala Rashan Lal Marat-Law W44PPIN MALNmuch d ihar . .
ted to watch the non naist witnesses for the
toti Delial of the per juletihel) Manal
colle pon the rating statement p ution. The surusd were required Nalhat. So it it is found that the Arya "It is and that migh
! to give fresh hail for RH 500 each. Namnjints at Intiala wele put into
the i ng well jual no. "No
pienet make out thi! Nuwahi Il lenda Moden Mitru Bhudhar and bundled up before the Court amply
i creding and bitrxh Kaiming ground. All Kamini Kumar Dutt, Fabhan because they tu the Arya Samaj the be. that can be gallery the figur handra Chowdhury p
utrl in the Anglo-Inden juuli orn #ppeared lungo Sabha will
that linea in baleth IIN php to the defen.c. defend them.--.Irye Purdy.
HO D uly dull 24 it
In appeal has been tiled by Mr. R. Dixit Brat law in the ('ourt of Mr. Duke Brockman Judicial Cromininsione in the case in which we Shambhura
adgil, ex-Editor Desharak vernaculai New Apr WILM en Victed and wentenced
MACHINE-MADE t" py #fine of one-thousand rup
STOVE PAITED under section 141A for criticising the
STEEL TRUNIS hth day honours list. The grounds of Appeal nic that the sanction was not
CASH BOXES, LOCKS, &c. Muficient in law for initiation of these
Extract from Mr. J. C ummins 1.*
Spocial Report on Indumul Suru n . A filocerling that important questionin
(ime (wlcutta livre, Auyunt 20th, 119). Were disallowod in the cmes-examination
THX ARYA FACTORY 107, MAILA its irrelevant and that the articles were
riticles not in themselv mullitious.
10, MACHU A BALAT Road, ('alcutta. Tel. Ad.: "TRUNKS," CHITTA.
LARGEST IN INDIA Awarded Medal at the Indian Industrial Exhibition of 1906-07. THE ARYA FACTORY