to come off in another cight usual circumstances of the occasion with substantial but limitol powers year. Y other re but the Chinese, will be observed without any al- wero established in India and sertmined by the Confucian system ridgment. On the 7th of Augest the ious differences of opinion were t.. habits of minute totul, per official organisers were afraid to to wise between the Clovernment fort organisation and steals peri. start the procession from the College and the popular reprenentatives.
ness in all things gren and Square, now that Sj. Sureudrnnth But such in state of thing is yet Nd uld thuriulymp out is with us, we trust that mu nnchun! remote, and the reformed councils stupnou protil eri nd worthy considerations will be will certninly not be such a body.
ueron chang. 14 if it were the allowed to mar the folders and im- At present, what will such bhrpr ofaunial function, ping nature of this featur. Fruin nu or agency do for the country! and carry it out with thoughness 10 other centre in Cerutti i4 an Bipin Babu Muggests that it and firieney. Once the chu t irtis procession nt all probable. inay supply the British public with have male np their minds to this and it was seen last August that the corrort information soin in aten resolution, they are likely to carry only result of trying to change it the tide of unscrupuloits or preju
1 out with the ratest pissible wiy to break up the processionnel dieed mis-information pouring into cupleteness, business he method marits ett-et. The two most - Englarul through Reuter and other ollective oruunist raw the least tind features, however; of the Parti Anglo-Indian suurces, and that, it Drible waste and frietion. In the tion Day are the Rakhi Bandhan the British public get correct in history of (!una, now than the and the reading of the National formation, they will at once put a list of Japan, we are likely to Proclamation; it is above alla stop to the policy of repression. A thorn value of national Jay of the che caration of Bengal's We cunfesy, our inopression is the will powering the moral outcome indivisiblu umty and these two reverse--that however surrect the of hu l teint disciplin, functions are for thnt reason the information we supply, the British
I wil breaking the temporary very kernel of the observances. It publie as a whole--we do not told in rich that disciplme haut in unfortunate that the celebın- speak of just and open-ininiled inFixty , thought it go tion should coneide this year with dividuals.---will still for to put tent. W: in india have an in the Puja salis, is this may inter- confidence in the mis-statoments of cient liscipline much more power- fere with the closing of the shops their own countrymen rather than ful than the Chinese or Japanese which is the most sulient sign of in the true statements of what but where is the centre of over protestinst the dismemberment. they believe to be an inferior race
hty in Ind which will inct We hope the official organisers are inclebte to them for any element of the time will power to the taking steps to Culinteract this l istlisation it may now posses. Our right tise of that discipline Where lavourable factor.
impression is thitt even a correct the centre of rutional en
idea of the fucts woull not neces travuur which will make up for NATIONALIST WORK IN ENGLAND.
arily leal to a correct appreciation the abse of such a locument
We publish in this issue in art
u policy Ited on those facts - We have a Giovernment manned by icle by Sj Bepin (Chandra l'al in
mutny political and posychological aliens, out of teh with con
tructors would interfete. which he s ets the hity Letuptuous of the s on of national
If we are to change onr opinion. of Nationalist Noney or bureau strength und entute we have in
it iust be either as the result of in England, and states the reason ction etnpty of them which
IvW experience showing the effect ing which has led lum twity perks to replace our ancient -
ut' agitation in England or of new the views formerly held by the plus by foreign stringth, intel
reasoning correcting the imperwhole party on the inutility of towering and invigning our
fections of our old preunincs ani work in England under the past wwn culture and turning it to
Conclusions. The only fact that political conditions Bein Babu wunderne ; have beber's
coms to be in favour of a re-adjusthas been busy
in his trained in the foreign discipline who
ment of our view, is the energe departure from mulut, in werk of do tot know or believe in the force
tie campaign in Parliament of Mr this kind it goes without nitythat would, it made use of revolut
Mackarness and his friends for my that he wouldnt les engage Lin India more swiftly and
the release of the deportoes. It in it or persistent under distightily than pain was or China 18
is alleged that, but for the untowarui clinging citeltasLineen, if it had binnvolut. It is this and
incident of the Curzon Wyllie inurniet been borte iu on hur that it not internal disor the dung
cler, some if not all the deportees is ulisable and teensry. At
would by this time have been releasof old and suitable conditions
the sum time, rightly or wrongly, that makes the work on Intwe
ed. We have our doubts about he work in more the majority of our party till be 4b.cmit than in nnyther Asiatic
this conclusion. Sir Henry Cotton love in the concentration of work
and some of his colleagues were al into the ctfort to elicit an organise
Wilys ever-hopeful about the effect Partition Day. the latent strength of the nation,
of their pressure, and their expectaHartation Day e
and cannot believe that work in n round again
Lions weru more than once disa point. on the lot: October. Lint yuer, England at present in anything
ed. No ministerial pronouncement but hopeless and a waste of money -rcutive cap ted the day
ever lent any colour to their ides from being celebrate with all its and chergy. We freely sulmit that
that the release was iiuinineut when Customel ceremeter this your, tuler certain circumstances an
the Assassination happened. All agency in England might become there is not likly to be simir in
that the Government had promised, in limpensable. That woull certain terference, it. We trust tint all the ly be the ciuse it an uluctive body was to consider the question of the