OF National Religion, Literature, Science,
Philosophy, &c.,
Vol. I.
23rd ASHWIN 1316.
No. 16.
FACTS AND OPINIONS. Council itsell. There were i Lirislative Councils and therefore
Caditions attached to Raja Subodh parts of the Clovernment which in 00)
Chandru's gift : the first that the supposed to have no control over The Apostasy of the National Council.
maintenance of the Rangur and the institution. All that we can We have received an open letter Dreca schels, which were created now expect of the Council is to be from some teachers of the Rungpur to give shelter to students who per- a centre of scientific and technical National school in which they warn
sisted in tnking part in politics in education; it can no longer be a the President of the National Coun- spite of all prohibitions, should be workshop in which national spirit and cil of Education of the evil fects
ilssisted out of his donation, and energy are to be forged and shaperl. likely to ensue from the recent second that no form of Government The Progress of China. National Risley Circular and pur- control should be submit to by A recent article in the Amrita test strongly against the policy the council. It would be mor hy | Lazar Patrika gives a pictur of underlying it. For reasons of space pocrisy to deny that the issue of the the enormous educational programs wo are unable to publish the lofter. prohibitory telegrams by the Secre. w.ade by Chinn in a fow your Tho signatories point out that the tary was the result of the Govern
tary was the result of the Govern. In the short time since the Boxer movement took its birth in the boym ent cireninr previous to the tubles China has revolutionized cott movement and was from the
seventh of August. We do not her educational system, ontrublished first, closely asociated with it in know hy what monility or law of a network of modern schools of all nature and sympathy, that the honour the Council clings to the ranks, provided for a thorough mod. participntion of young men in the Jonation while infringing in the ern education for her princes and tational nwakening has been one spirit its most vital condition.
nobles, and nudded to the intellectual of the chief CLUSE'S of its rapid Perhaps these things an, no less
education a thorough grounding in progress and success and that
than courage and sincerity. Are military knowledge and the habits the new policy of the Council not considered unessential in this new of the Holdier, so that, when the only divorces education from the national education. We notice procesy is complete, the whole life of the country, but destroys the that Sj Hirendrinath Dutt at Dac
Chinese people will be a nation trainsympathy and support of the most CA seems to have openly proclaim
od in arms whom the greatest progressivo elements in the nation. ed the t'juration of all connection
combination of powers will not care It is also pointed out that the with politics its part of the duty
to touch. On another side of nationdonation made by Raja Subodh of National school. We must
al development, a railway has junt Mallik, from which the practicability therefore take the divorce of the
been opened which has becuerof the movement took its begin. National Council from the national tirly constructed and will be run by wing, and the sacrifices made by movement as part of a deliberate Chinese. When the process of edulthe teachers, and students of the
and permanent policy, and not, as ention is woll forward, it is intended first established schools were intr- it might otherwise have been im
by the Chincho Government to tmnmately connected with the revolt
agined, a temporary aberration dine form itself into a constitutional against the Risley Circular, und largoly to the fact that the President
anii Parliamentary goveruncat, yet the nume circular is repeated and the most active of the two and in its programme this great in a more stripgent form by the Secretaries neberu of automatio revolution has been taxd