KARMAYOGIN 1879 wore not falso, but they were falsely
: Isely future. To her, excited future. To her, excited
imagination stated and gelfully executed. Europe German airships fill the skies and my-it strange that British stabganship, hal not the spiritual strength, nor the riad train of the Teuton is heard al should be blihu fas tortaig, possibilities mou I furce to carry them out. She was ready marching on London, while huge which will follow from the new Colotoo olfah, too short-sighted, too materi- conspiracies spring up like mushrooms nial policy. Among the firstreults of slis'io and ignorant. She desorted to in India and evade the eager grasp of the new idea has been the federation Ail sud could not but fail. It is left for the Police with a diabolical skill which of Australia and the federation of South Asia and especially for India to repons leaves behind only arrests and persecu Africa. The former event is not of such trut the world
tion of innocent men, hard judioial com inportance to the world as the latter, ments, a discredited C. I. D, and a des He referendum in Natal is indeed an
parate woeping. Englishman. One can event of the first signifcance, but what BRITISH FEARS:-The genesis of no longer recognise the strong, stolid, it portends in the rise of a pow and the Imperial Press Conference is to be practical, invincible Britisher in the vigorous nation, perhaps a new empire found in that feeling of insecurity lemotional. hysterical, excitable, panic. in South Africa. -certainly nôt the conwhich is driving England to seek stricken race dancing to the tune of its solidation of the British Empire. Orcat allies on the Continent and gather round newly liberated Imagination.
organisms like these tend inevitably to her the children of her loins beyond
separate existence. The one thing that the seas. During the better part of the
stands in the way is the present inabinineteenth century after her triumph THE JOURNALISTIC WAR COUNCIL S lity of these organisms to defend their over Napoleon and her anazing expan. It is not surprising under such circums. separate ctistencc. Australia lies under sion in India, she felt too strong to tances that leading Englishmen should the outstretched sword of Japan to say need extraneous assistance. Mistress call a l'ress Conference and turn it nothing of the subtler, less apparent of the seas, enormously wralthy, inong Into a War Council full of such themes but more ominous menace of Germany. . polit almout of the world's comincrce, as military conscription and 'naval Canada is kept t inglund hitho con sho ollowed on the Continent policy expansion and always looking out of tiguity of a powerful, well-orgueil wild of plenililisation broken only hy the corner its creat: Imperial Federal expanding foreign State, South Africa the ill-starred alliance with the third tion. The aid and backing of the Colo on the other hand is vocupied by a Na vleon. She fought for heren nies has now become a necessity to strong military race, with a stubborn han I everywhere.nd felt strong enough British imagination, England seeks love of independence in its Wory blood. to conquer. Her colonies she regardeila American alliance and huncers after In the last war it has become aware of enly as a nuisance. They were i moral the unity of the Anglo-Saxon world, its supreme military capacity but also of asset, probably, but harlly a material. but there are hostile elements in Ame- its inability to hold its freedom without I ney assisted her in no way, they ex. rica which inilitate against that cream. a navy. Yet the main cry o n cluded her commerce by tariff, they l'arting with her old friends of the Tri- now is that the Colonies should orga.' took her protection without payment ple Alliance she embraces France, her nise military and naval defence in order and yet exacted internal independence ancient and traditional enemy: she to lighten the burden of England and with an inordinate and querulous jeal courts her bug-bear Russia and many
help her in her wars! They are not lisy of her interference and unwilling of her publicists are ready tu excuse
satisfied with the contribution of a "htest iota of and condone the most savage, merciless Dreadnought. They want an Australian British control to mar the perfection and inhuman systein of tyranny in the navy,
navy, a South African navy. Surely of her autonomy. But change has world providlol she gets a friend in
God has sealed up the cyes and wits of come wer the spirit of her dreamlineet. But these are uncertain and
these Imperialistic state-ren. They have
the y Mighty iwwers have arisen in the workl, transitory supports, while the Colonies cyes but they cannot see; they have young, ardent, ambitious, rapidly expand are bound by ties of blood and interest. minds but they are allowed only to ing, magnificently equippual moving with The objective of the Press Conference
misuse them. the sureness and swiftness of matreial is therefore the Colonies, the union of NATIONAL VITALITY. Nothing is forces towards empire and aggrandise the English throughout the Empire. stranger than the difference presented by ident. Their armies are gigantic forces And although Srijut Surendra Nath Europe and Asia in the matter of national ay Vinst which England's would be as has been led to the gathering in gilded vitality. European nations seem to have a he'pless as a bny in the hands of a fetters and is the most picturesque brief date, a life--term vigorous but soonTilan. Their wealth increases. They figure in the Conference, that is all he exhausted; Asiatic races persist and are beating England out of the chosen is, a picture, even if a speaking picture, survive. It was not so in old times. Not Ils of her comercial expansion, and nothing else. For the rest it is Anglo- only Greece and Rome perished, Assyria. it is only by bringing out all the reser. India that has been called to the great Chaldea, Phoenicia are also written in the ves of her old energy that she can just journalistic War Council, not India. book of the Dead. But the difference now keep a first place; worst of all, their The real India has no place there. We seems well-established. France is a visinayies grow and if they cannot beep wish Srijut Surendra Nath could have bly dying nation, Spain seems to have pace with her in numbers, equal it in realised it. It might have prevented lost the power of revial, Italy and Greece effeciency. On the other hand India, him from indulging in rhetorical hyper- have been lifted up by great efforts and her passive source of wealth, strength boles about the wise and conciliatory sacritices but show a weak vitality, the and prestige is struggling in her turn policy of Lord Morley"-forgetful of Anglo-Saxon race is beginning every to exclude British commerce and assert the nine deportes, forgetful of the many where to recede and dwindle. On the autonomy without British control. good and true men in jail for Swadeshi, other hand in Asia life pulsates victorEngland is uneasy; she cannot sluinber forgetful of Midnapore and all it typifies, ously. Japan has risen at one bound to at night for thinking of her precarious
the first rank of nations ; China untou