Yearly ...
... 090
and Adked Athvale to open
attentively and easily direpted to further bouw e n bean, Jeprived the end of justion. For this purpose the fleen of their mokslo to delith the whore podnet has been impugned whild have change of murder banging over their heada.
WARAYOGIN. the fullest opportunity of explaining haters His Honour Beld, the checumstances of and of directing attention to any evidence which blond, etc, in the jungle and bags contaic.
A weit vopiew of National Religion, may be available and to any means of olietting
ing Kirwan's romains Jying in the creek were Literath Science Philosophy &c. Information on baterial pointu. 7. Lastly, it is dietary to arrive at general
manufactured and suspicions aroused by such conclusions as to whether there was at the bottom
manufactured citushatices have been PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. no me requiring action and whether the
backed up by the appalling mass of conduct of efficers of all ranks in rolation to it perjury.
Contributors-SRKLJUT AUROBINDO was fair and straightforward and such a could B attributed to honest-wal in the performance
BOMBAY BOMB. at their daty. & It I believed that the instructions will
The G. I. Ry. Police on Tuesday night Rates of Subsorption (both in Town over all the points affecting the action of the
& Houssil inclusive or postego). local omers, to which attention hoe been Calcutta malls at Kalyan Junction. The directed in tho judgement of the High Court min' whose Dame Wa Haoci Vaishng
Rs. As. P. Il bowever that should prove not to be the cam,
Athvale was travelling without ticket hould be clearly understood that the Inquiry
alight and the ticket-collector made him
Yearly ... !: 5:0 O so intended to extend to all such matters, and that the report abould deal with them
with his luggage consisting of a steell trunk Half-yearly ... 3
with much completenen u may requisite
A policeman on seeing the truck grov 9. It will be clartly understood that the prevent puspicious, and ad Atbpale when the
TORON. inquiry is nelther exclusively nor even primari contents, and he topled the trond iloed
y restricted to the iddividuals or the dreams clothes. The policege lifting the trunk tances lately noder consideration by the High I found it heavy and Adred Athvale to open any . Court. Th. Llentenant-Governor desire that it it. He'mid the trunk was given him by Half-yearly *** should include everything which in the comi- friendi at Bombay, to conveyto, Jalgaon woner's opinion is likely throw light on the wbither be Athvale ) was going. This did
Single copy two annas ekintence of conspiracy directed against the Government and the persona if any concerned
not satisfy the policeman who forced open therein, whether they have appeared before the
the trunk and food so it is fallegod, wveral Courts or not.
phial of chemicas implimems and fees for -Babject to the instructions entire dimcretion
making bombs. The police are very retice- RATES OF ADVERTISEMENTS. is left to Mr. Macphenon uito his procedure abont the main Athwale was brought back and methods in the conduct of the inquiry. under arrest to Bombay.
Ő annas per line or Rs. 2-8 per inch Judgment was and on Thursday the
The Madras Provincial Conformen, opened insertion for the 1st four insertion 19th Jupe in the Chiel Court of Burmah by
nt Berubampore in the Kallikoto Diamond the Chief Judge and Mr. Justice Parlett
Jubilee Town Hall. The President-elect was 5 annas per line or Rs. 7 per inch 'por allowing the appeals and acquitting Moola
conducted to the ball in pocenios headed by insertion for 8 insertions..
- Indian land, on tal the hall. Jan and three other sentenced to death by
w greetild with who the Sessions Judge of Tenteri
of Bande Mataram on
CONTRACT RATES. Atrio of volume tried
,national ong, the charge of having murdered Mr. J. Kirwan whole houbo Manding Mr. Haghada Row, late European overeer, P. W. D. on the Chairman, Reception committee. opened the
For one year 20nas 6 ples per line, goth December last. In the course of the proceeding with the addren of welcome to the judgment covering nearly one handred) delegaten. Mr. N. Subha Row of Rajahmundry
Rs. I per inch or Rs 10 per column pages foplacap, Sir Charles Fa paned proposed Rap Bahadur Mr. Audinanya Ial per insertion. severe cukicion on the Sevions Judge and to the chair and we menouded by Mr. K,
For 6 months-3 annas per line or the Police. His Honoor said, bever in all
Hervazn of COC Dada. Mr. Subla Row reffered his experience had be come across a case in
to the fact that this was the first conternce Rs. 1-4 per inch or Rs. 13 per column which evidence against the accused was of
under the new constituton and Madru deserved per insertion. such dobiowe pature.
credit. The more he had The President then delivered an elo
For 3 months-4 annas per line or quent address. studied the evidence and the circumstances of the care the more had be boy astonish
Rs. 1.8 per inch or Rs. 16 per column
TRX KALMA ARMER ACT CABE-Thin cane has ed that any judge could form the conclusion en adjourned to 30th uno.
per insertion. Voucher copies free for that four accused bad been proved without
Advertisement of Rs. 5 or above. masonable doubt to have been concerned in
Charges for advertisements below tourdering Kirwan. His Honour's view of she case was that the accused should never
reading matter or by the side of reading have been sen before the Magistrate on
A thrilling story of the doings
matter 50 per cent. extr. Special rates such manifestly dubious evidence as the subordinate police had obtained. If there of Tantia Vil Dacoit in
for advertisement on boverdagen. has bero apy real investigation into the Bengali. . .!
GIRIJA SUNDAR cated hed here bece Home owe to * Price tight Anna's. By V. P. exercise intelligent consideration of the ten annas
1. CHAKRAVARTY. evidence adduced and enquired to decide on tuolithdrawertido thit evidence wica w
could not be acted upon here pomibly the mal facts wonding
301, CORNWALLIS STREET. Kirwash death might here come out and
14 Shambazare. Calcutta.