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الدعاء :proceedings الناسز مطا
o man in a ton had been hono r
years hence there w and the esas better Indian than the Indians themselves. I
hotel kindly to duties at yarp This policy can wwmil that they go their evidence from the mod in that Provih ha urdheck when it was rated Tolles. That w nofm Kvery case of deper for Raglinhmen. that man and after the soul day of september ration was fully involtigied by lord Minto, 170L, all wrong wike, Hegaland was the Leucom.t-Gurer of Bengal and the HEAD OF INQUIRT.-The regretion that nised with silk berta, of the manufacture Members of ancil The present diference | Midnapore Conspiracy Che Wannot genuine of China, Paris a the Lal ladies, and w e made in the treat of deported persona did not proceed from bona fide informata cation printed, dyed poised, saiad there and men judicially charged Che would enkle honestly obtained was first definitely made
Ineh so we all he reported into Kingdow ap for consideration shortly and that considera- Mr. Dutt's telegram of the 17th August, 189 (Cirab Hotin) lut w e worn o berwintion would be condneted with great regard to and the latter of the 37th Sdem, with which med int Beitais, and all pode imported judices firme sad relation. There would followed it up. The first mop should there alues that day, dual
b o w esported to attening to regard the transaction other be to examine the evidence which may be for again!
wim the dimgreeablemenwere imposed by coming fiut support of the allegations made
mone of the duty which had been justified Mr. Dutth the documents referred to and M U U SWAUGD -The following by erwing for Mr. Gokhale w stated that obber evidence which Mr. Macpherson may this
i thn Governments w ere instruerant Minto and kimwell (Lord Morley) had likely to throw light on the subject. uves is the Midwuro inquiry The Iligh e d India from chao. Lard Morley added 1. bat apart from ruokallegations, in vin (oart here now dispend of the appeal in that he thought they would withstand their the result of the prvenutione mother bra the Midnapore ( spinry Caes. All the review at the gate with a clear good conscience of the Inquiry will be to certain whether A
d have been acquitted and never trie. The importimt reference, of course, is to Mr. information upon which the proceedings ter w e Boca p d by the Hos'ble Judy Mackeren' BU hedily the Deportation based was worthy of the credit whioh it receive on the methods adopted by the police and other Regulation. In qouting Mr. Gokhale for his whether the proceedinge themselves Y effi o nible for the promocution. The ti authority Lord Morley wiwerably properly conducted, and whether M matter hm sowrdingly cure to wo un feel the inquiry intepronund faeta 15 is true that Mr. fact the Che WM at the bottom a genuine one into the inspire and contad of the car, which lokale nevid that Lord Morlay and Lord Minto . It is nectory therefore to conside
to the allegation wade by Mr. Pult bed and India from chaos, but it ww Dpt the whether the police and district authorities and other during the mugiteria prcoding, reart to the Regulation of 1818 that he referred grounds for suspecting that there was somethis the Goverament ad az i th reading tot In the very speech from which Lord Morley quing on at Midnaporo which required special
ho made the qoutation Mr. Gokhale cundem. vigilance, and in the next place whether the be concluded
bed the deportation in umparing terus. It do they took to ascertain what
was in the mail chamber that Mr. Gokhale going on were reasonable and proper. Tv DEDORTATION - La Vinoxford speech Lord chars tarind Jetxration without trial M .
1 4. Purther, it is necessary to ascertain Morlaymid, he was told that there was consiproconching which stunned the people througout whether the information which they obtained delle
growing in the Home Inchi. The tomato the policy of repression W properly dealt with, whether the testa a ( n o with rolerenon In deportations under the Beogalee bus thus been referred to by Mr. scrutiny, which could be applied, were applied
law which good ab any in our Gokhale.The rewal of the sufferers in the and whether all important information sul Mtabule Bouk. A kihu Leon introduced which recent dintasbanco to appear before Mr. Weston rently stated to have been received by the wus wething laws than a Votel war on him. o ro widence'i significant illustration of police was duly and promptly brought to the m a lo
H. del not deny that if the change that is coming over Bengal. The police of the superior authorities in the distrit k i ego oral it would be deten-Clovernment rupees to meet this change by or of the Criminal Investigation Department table dangerous but we share to be no policy of ropeariou. My Lord, knowing the it was received. the thing agency pow ? Was there not people of Bengal as I do, I venture to predict It should also be ascertain whether the
ncy in December, 1908 1 The Clower that they will not be the put down by furcu. information obtained w do Important and mana India found a guy wance to the very . . . O0o Noriu defect of national character appareutly 10 trust-worthy to demand f ation of the publie pre au security, has often boom alleged against then, --Wut of decisive action, aud whether the action actually
Merley ked, was (luvernment to be physical stage-but they are already being taken we appropriate. and with inpesily ! He hinwell aud the winted out of the young man of Bengal
6 Next it should be determined whether Norm a l India would then lave lemn have taken this reproach so much to heart that,
after decisive action had been takan, secured Blivarthy their pomition if they had wit taken if the storie in n e Anglo-Indian papers are
persons Artested and care instituted, the the way for the anary and wed it to be believed, o far from shrinking from phy.
conduct of the cane by the police was right and Muins wil doen. Owing w the improwianical collinions they need to be now actually legal, the treatment of the accused persons while What cloverumet nould le defied with impunity, spoiling for thoirt My Lord, if the present
in custody both in jail and out of it was fair and was vital to take ser preseding in order ontrangement between the Government and the
in accordance with low, and the supervision by to give a relurwa fair and resonable chance role of Bengal is allowed to continue, ten the District Magistrate And bis staff ww The wood was magical The time of kniven, pistola and the like us not ended, but, at any male, the clock seal of India had verurud order and Linequality. The movers of his Vute of Cauwen, mail his lovlabus, thought themelves
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