in Armly in poaltion by the decle dh l mite for Applying the area, or twgular would preming on its four and a piece of plank and a smooth atopin
e w Igy. On withdraving moukl from for prering the paper. The ebha pri
. -
Modern Methods at in a horizontal position alone in a rather delianto thin's. In In the
Thomaropper poilla kuunted at # r within the decle amins flav. procured frin Heranypore in the Hanghly
h the chhapri covered with thin
(Bully wills) Titngarh and Kapkin bier dintrict where it is made. It conta from
(Salcutta (both Titaparla will.), Lenteng I'm
Re. 1-4 to Ra. 2, and each piece laats of tile, the operator meanwhile from
to 3 month. king the wuld won to evenly din
i Gwalior (Siadhin mille 1. Sbute the
Bombay (Girgaam a i'ls) Kurw.fone ima. .
The dipping up of the pulp with the chlapi nered with the thinhhapri is an operation requiring some
small mille) and Poona (Beay joilla)
and Lucknow, of which more than X Are filmu per is now taken out from will. One man can on an Aveterage
under Indian management Along the the frame and inverted over a winting preluce 175 to 900 sheets per day (7 to kinds of paper naanufactured in then imeoftone covered with a prece of gunny #quire) One woman can kim one side
wills ArH creAl-W..ve, crn-laid, ure.
laid, white, and toned printing cluth. The chhapri is now, wiled away of 16 or 20 quires and polish about 19 printings, white and brown cartridge,
coloured icoving the film of raper un the one quires of paper per day. The workmen ladami and glazod art paper. The pu t repeated and film after receive from Ra. 6 to Rs. 10 or Rs. 12 per
To be continued) filmi low down one above another formw onth According to their skill and outing A pile, The work in Ronerally dutie turn of work.
"WONDERFUL AND RADICAL in the toorning and then pile in left One maund of wasto paper minken about
CURES FOR COMPLICATED AND untouched. for the water to drain away 30 neers of country paper.
CHRONIC DISEASES." till the following day when the sheets
Paper is made in several mizes :
PANCHANAN AYURVEDIC AUKHAAtill wet are taken up one by one and
Bara rukhi ( the width of 19 fingers
DHALYA WITH A BIG MEDICINAL: Inid spowrately on at to dry in tho laid wide by side ) 19 quines per Re.
KAVIRAT DURGA DAS BHATTA, N. A. After their edges have been trimined Hola rukhi or langri (the wilth of 16
S. 8. : Etc., etc. the wheets are next sized or atarebed one fingeralaid side by side ) 4 or 5 quires wiile at a time and again dried. The per Re. Bairn (generally used in
58-1, Harrison Road, CALCUTTA.
min. wtarch is obtained by boiling kunnoddari sarishta ) 8 or 9 quires per Re. rice in water and is applied with the Baleswari white or blue thick
R. C. BROTHERS. pongy fibrous shell of a "hundul, only made at Ainta, district Howrab )
ALLAHABAD & CALCUTTA nu" or "vurul" (Luffs acryptiana) quires per Ro.
Founders of Steel Trunk Industry with the outer skin renovel. Hone blue
Txx UNITED PROVINCES stune or copper wulphate in diem.lved in
in India. The following taken from Mr. A. C. the starch to improve the lasting quality
ESTABLISHED IN 1895 Chatterjee's Noter given the process of of the paper. The atarching being light
Bont Machine made, Stove printed. manufarture still followed in a town work in generally done by women.
STEEL TRUNKS & CASH BOXES. ( Muttm ) of the l'nited Province - After the wheets have been dried, they Old paper is purchased from the Aligarh
FACTORY - He exped to the night dew to woften portal proes and elsewhere and thoroughly
11, Maniktola Street, (Rambagan.) tnem slightly, and next morning they are moaked in water. It is then converted
TEAD OFFICE:pred over a plank with the help of A into thin pnp by treading and kneading.
7/1, Cornwallis Stroet, (Kalitoir.) piece of mooth stone or a winihald The pulp is again washed (the water of
BRANCH:Thia, ton, in generally done 1. www. the Jumnn leing considered particularly
161, Bowbazar Street, (Baitakkhana) Tbo per le powl'eauly. "llo per muitable) and then steeped in solution of
Deror CHMATRA BHANDAR LTD. produced is generally white, but is nine
4.1 Colleye Nguare. Sajji for some days. The workinan then
CALCUTTA. timer coloured blue or yellow. The blue
lifts ont Anme of this prate on a frame- WHOLE SALE & RETAIL. ever is imparted with indigo dissolved
work covered with a reed mat. This on in the pulp vat from which the Alms are
heing drived forrun into a sheet, in dried limped up with the chhapri. The yellow
by X IIe In the sun, treated with caur is given by dinolving turmeric in
flonr paste and again drin. The paper iho starch. Yellow paper is only pro.
in then glazed by hand rubbing and hold ned in the Hooghly district.
to local derlers, Old rage and cordage The implementa uaed, it will thun le won are of the crudent kind pointble; they
ate not umed in tho-Muttra district. The HIGHEST AWARD GOLD MEDAL. not of some earthen vatr, beuki for
workmen Ara montly Milmann employ. PURE MUSTARD) OIL, OIL CAKE, winding the wasto paper, woodles
ed in a numlier of wall factorien. So MANUFACTURED BY BENGAL juweld, bamboo Riove (chhaprl
farm Iulientimate, slut 950 per. CHEMICAL W PHARMACEUMona are employed in paper making and
TICAL WORKS LTD. worden frame for rapporting the chlapri,
To he had it
! another seventy-five in sitply glazing
! inue mata for drying the sheola, solue
LAHTRI BROTHER'S BISUPUYA mill-made paper. Native traders consider
DESHI CHINIR ARYAT. such handglazed paper more durable and SELF-OILING COMB
162, Bow Bazar Street, Coeutta. use it for their account poky. Grandest invention
64-1, Bow BAZAR STREET, CALCUTTA. Avoid deterioration of hair by
HIGH CLASS TAILOR friction with hand.
GENERAL ORDER SUPPLIER Our cumyls will oil for you every
Cheapnes, Promptness and pe date thread of your hair and will carry
fanhlon guaranteed.
. medicated oilo u their very roots.
European cut and Avishing in Swadeshi
farm !! SPECIALIST IN LXDIT'S AYD The beloved son of MOTHER
CHILDRENS 008T'UME INDIA" Srijukta Aurobindo Ghose writon -
Tompting rate for the wholesale pealers. 2 . The ide... is a very
5 POR QENUINE SWADESHI GOODB. intoninus one end has been ingeni wwly carpuid out . The comb
The wt.! wirve it.pergue wall." 1 -13 with a phial of wall
WIDT modrad moonted Balr cil
4-1 College Square, CALCUTTA. D. D. Gupta,
PPASAPTU Of Co-openATTY.POL 79 Nimtolla bkat Street.
sex in