WP 1:12
er dhe me
at a tinder IRWIDU KOAL: me that onto M PHARMACEUAN
I comes
that is the Bhagavad How chodih bhould the greatest of Indta's No. 1, Nogal Lario, Sala P. L,
But a China and Opeper
W bootill hela 1 teacher bo repreranted in art 1 How
word be interesting, w
der therwise than ested in this preture that
what ponditions thin by no longer in in the hourt of India aswiated with
ponible, and what the propose the Hvery striving after the great ideal, and
iniustry. may be. It is aperte in which the Buddha hiusell was weated
wy, that
rood deal in GORADO ua that night when the attacks of Nara
bet wow bobidestrial condition of thank were for over fotted, and that in lgbt
counter India for inpapor, Else came at lust, to gain which the Buddha
low wages of how be implicity of land iu couatlous lives sacrificed his body
Loole se gaboral bone of the factury for the wake of creature. It was the
system is soms all the studenta lately Kreatest moment in India's spiritual his
404 tury and as live in the race nemory
to Japan by die Hociety for the
Industrial sad Deniqul Kdvention of in it of necessity presonted in the Moe
Indiang might look into the problem. art.
Government might wino ob
Wellknown. invigorating tonic of Compare the direction in canon ( Sari
from song sovuttatita.Agent.ch the putn)
body and mind. It had been recog.subjecta. Pool, ignorat brokeI shall now describe yogasing images nised as the best tonic alterntive spirited, it is hopalom to expect the Kay(of Buddha) The tip of the
in Nervous debility Exhaunion, Loks jis to make any Improvement in their none, the thumb, and the beel
of Mormory. Brainfag Dimens of time-bonoured way without louie help must be visible to the eye of the sight, Confusion of Idosa, loss of
from outalde. image. The image must represent
It is imposible to my
without an enquiry abroad whether the One with an anfetterer, quiescent, vigour, Nervous headache, palpita
industry has any chance of being myed at and absolutely pure mind, pre- tion of heart, Mental prostration, all. The few nuen who are still engaged eminent from hood to foot. General sleeplessness etc.-4 oz.
in it will soon disappear and that des Such thon, have been the sims and
phial Ro. 1 Dozon Rs. 11. Pound cendants will be forced to botako thru method of Indian Art in the past. Two
selves to other lines of life about us they tendencies are manifested in the Indian Art
can. And then it will be too late to of to-day, the one inspired by the technical
make any effort to revive the industry. achievement of the modern Wext, the
V. other by the spiritual idealism of the
Indigenous Process of Paper-pandhoture East. The former hur swept away both
BENGAL the beauty and the limitation of the old
The process of manufacture de sa foltradition. The latter ham but bewly A potent remedy for habitual cons- lows:-Wato paper is mixed with lime found expression; yet if the greatest tipation cough gout rheumatism and stooped for a week or ten days in a art is always both National and Reli
worms ,biliousness and piles. The large carthen vat. The line wind is at ylous (and how empty way other art
the rate of thrve or four wars par maund
best nervine tonio administered in must be it is there alone that we see
of wasto paper. When wuthalently softthe beginning of a new and greater art convalescent state. 4 oz. phial Re. 1.
wood, the mano la pounded under dhenthat shall full and at destroy the past Dozen Rs. 11. Rs. 3-8 Per pound.
ki' over stone morter. The dhenki' When a living Indian culture arises out
wed for this purpone is very nauch like of the wreck of the past and the struggle
that wood for husking paddy only wote. of the presente new tradition will
what larger and beavior and the best be born, and new vision find expression
An ideal combination of lodieu of the peatlo la wore trougy bopad with in the language of form and colour, no Sarpurilla with gold. The best iron. The stone mortar i only slightly less than in that of words and rhythm. remedy for all sorts of venerial poison grooved and consists of larga pie suf The people to whom the great concep and mercurial taint in the blood. 4
beraltic stone, some three feet long, one tions cars are still the Indian people,
and-a-but feet broad and p foot high. oz. phial Re. 1-12. Dozen Ra 20. and when life is strong in them again
The paste produod after purunding strong wino will be their art. It may Pound Rs. 6-8.
with the 'dbenki' to Aust, kusaded wall be that the fruit of deeper Da
thoroughly In Another wat by trapling tione , & wider cultura, and pro
under feet like pultar'clay. bocador lor will be au art greater than
The pasta bi now washed thoroughly in of the parts at this can only be
water over a pon of pottog sleth till all trong growth and development, not
impuijties are got 'hid o mad soft by sadden njection of the past.'
pulp bipoll, That now diluted Partiolar convention is the character.
with water large van The coatonta latie expresion of period, the pro
of the rate only stirred with duel of particular conditionit
rod to prept the pol ling dawn the historio volution, the pilotale.
com fully in Acidity and althoogte in dulture the convetion of the fun and entend dlapho yoyood monagular bodo sub, and note, be, stafarlo slated Ap the national reso
l ution IN A New. The is like We had in relation both to put
D e od Actress who put in modo
Dogodbor brown