who wa sinews
NEWS . .
BELIGION. Maria Ceri
t ate Duu Jonbil, Moulit sinago-ud-din, BHISMA: A conference to colder ser for Not: K. Dat Lela Saligram, Ahaik dhedsmlari n ss. Simon Yu m KhanMr. Burni, Nawab
HIS LIFE AND TEACHINGS. the 11th Olber Medical core and Nyed Khao, and Pt Bheo Behari 1 The name of the MAKAMLARATA A Molested dia .door three malacial Lal
long been known widely all over tho civi. ursou will awaad.
lized world. This great Epiu has not la the Report on the working of Joint
been translated into alnınat all civiliand A la Stock Companion in the Punjab for 1908.
languages. Therefore the story of the 00 tbe Registrar records that the Com. Revied regulations wader the Arms
Mahabharata is known to all ; and the panies with share capital now number Act will appear is the most " Gazette of
naine of the great Putriarch of the Kur 188 us gainst 98 last year and 00 eight of India
Blixma, in familiar to every one, whether year age. Thie is an unprecedented
in the East or in the West. increase and indicates that a boom in T'ASDIT M.C IAMADHANI.
2. His TEACHINOS to his wephews Company promoting has set in which will
stand unexampled in world :-- they A meeting of the Paadita held at
enably affect in one way or another the are the grandest on the various plaason of Henares on the 14th August congratul prosperity of the Province. The nominal hunian dutive-religious, aucial, nolitical lated Pandit Mokhada c'haran Sania. capital is about cas lakbs as mint 397 aud suoral, that were ever told to nun, dhayi for his honourable acquittal and lakhelmt yer and 17 lakhs in 1900.1001: or that were ever found in any other ympathised for his unmerited sufferinge and tho paid up capital 140 lakha a litventure. It incupion the whole of the It was decided to invite hinn to attond
againnt 130 and 78, respectively. It will NANTI Porvain of the MAHANTARATA, thn and pronido over the great meeting of
ho noon that while the nominal capital higent, the most difficult, the greatest Vaidik Pandits to be held bore next
han increased since Inat year hy 44 per and the subliniat of all other than minnth.
cout the paid up capital has increased l 3. But unfortunately the Mahabhanu
only 7 per cont; further, the paid up in bot a bandy work, but it is a supen THE LEPORTES PULIN BIHARI DAS
ospital is 81 per cent of the nominal, duue TM of literature. Hardly there is The Hindustan say that the deporteo whereas int your it was 41 per cent. It vue in then busy day, whulu time or l'ulin Bobari Dar, nuw intorrod in would appear therefore that with an who cares to take the troublo to road Montgomery Jail, is not allowed to sleep increase in numbers and capital there has this great work from page to page. Thor vutside at night, though Montgomery in not been a corresponding improvement
fore the NORLUNT CILARMTKK or BRIAMA beuf the bottest place in India. It in financial stability. Forty-two new is not widely known, or so greatly appremakes leo complaints as to his food. companies were registered during the ciated wit bould be. His OREN TXACU
year. No lore than 19 banking and 1808-THE MONEST AND THE GRANDENT GASTEH MODAK'S CABE
three invurance companies were started THAT WERK EVER DELIVERRD.-Me hidden Canceh Modak, agent of the "Vart with a capital of nearly 77 lakhs, of which under the great ww of the grout man" agency," appeared before the Chief
16 per cent only was paid up. There Mababharata. Magistrate Mr. Aston to answer the
were 14 new trading companies with 4. We have tumbly venturou to charge under Boc 124 A for spreading
diverne objects and Ave mille Two uudkertake the publication of this work. wedition by welling A certain number
tobacco companies were formed at Lahore It will lo abandy volume and will be of the Staraj written and printed by
And a coal company at Sialkot. Ton written in simple and lusid language, Babu Bepin Chandra Pal in London.
companies becamo defunct, including two that every one will be able to rund and The Public Prosecutor being indisponed, of those newly started which never coul
understand it without the least difficult the cake was adjourned.
menced busineM. Of these the most im. The book will be publiebed in Monthly AYOTENING CEREMONY.
portant were the Punjab Motor Transport Parts and will be completed in Twelva
Company and the Himalaya Glass Works -uch parts. Each Purt will come out On the 19th August Mr. E.
The Arabala Poople's Bank, which was At the end of every month. PANT PIRAT Radice,C. LE Commissioner of the
started by an enterprising Extra Assistant Sroosa TRIR, FOURTHI Aro out, fifth in Jacknow Distrion formally opened the
Comunissioner with the object of financing in the prere, and will bortly bu out. National Bank of upper India in the
Co-operative Credit Bocieties, failed liel SCBSCRITTIOX-Each l'art per V. P. P. frokence of a representative Assembly
chun there were no Co-operativo Credit is one Rupeo. componod of about 800 gentlenen of all
Societies in the Ambala District to HINDU PHILOSOPHY. channel and communities. Among those
finance. Bovon compaulo, montly banks Ita cxponition in the best style. No procent were the following: Mr Ra.
have increased their nominal capital by Hindu brusehold dice, Rajs Sir Topaduk Rosool Khan,
should be without 34 lakh. The largest increase in in the copy of this great and mand work X. C. 8. I. the Horr'ble Prodit
Punjab National Bank (10 lakhs) This anderleal,
Every Hindu would know on what graad Q1. E, Mr. H. G.
company has also a large lucrease of paid Mr. Hobhart C. S.
philosophical bulb Warberton. C' &
in great Roligion up capital (Re 14, 000) Other notable stands Kuyar Parmenand, Mr. Davis, Rai Prag
inervases of paid up capital are in the (1) The Birth of the Hindu Narain Bahadur, Shaikh Shabid Howiu,
pilowophy, Case of the Punjab Co-operative Bank Nawab Mehdi Al Khan, Khan Pahadur ( Inkha). And the Century Flour. ( The Pallosophy of the Upaninhand Choudhur Nathan Tah Kunabl Ab.
Mille (over 1 Inkha) Registration food ) Bankby Philosophy (4) Yoga Phi
Amounted to Re. 11,011, the highest total dal Bun, Babu Sita Bárs. PL Suraj
lorophy. (6) Nyaya Philosophy. (0) Vais on record Last year the total was RA
onbike Minian lbilosophy. (8) Ve. Narain Bahadur. Pu b ul Narain 9,477..
danta Philosophy(©) Jains Philosophy. (10) Buddhist Philosophy. (11) Charvaka And other Philosophia (19) The Hindu
Religion and the Hinda Philosophy. CAN
The book to thon diy ided into twolen action, Alog with the Hindu Philo pophy that ita phase Nothing has been lett annatd. The most affienlt and trune Hindu Philosophy has been plared before the pilletion of this book la wach
luuld way that even boy will be allo to grup to mystery sad baderneed its
import Adlon B BA REDUWEU Pe
K Homoeopathadition take cand
I . BOM,
The OANTAL PUways BAKU. that
.. .. .
11. Jourthur Lane on on