NEWS. bring to your Lurdyhips' notice the fact
regard to
before them to that one of the appellants before your
enable theru to come to definito 'proLorlahip died lat night and that not coment. It was only later in that 1 READ OF THE "SVAR. is Amoke chandra Nand. He was arrest
they came into pomeniou of full partiThe "Mahratis" way the Committee
od at 131 Harrimon Rond and was tried in cular of the Ponna General Library of which
the High Court under the Arms Act for The Chiel Jonice: Thon may Dr. R . Bhandarkar in Vice-President
the fact that Labu were found at 134. it in this way The Government o not pated a resolution nome days ago to es.
He was wilqnently sequitted of that desire you either to withdraw We char. ciude from the library Mr. Bepin Chan
charge and inspite of that sequittal A general
or not to withdraw di Pal's
them, but per "Svraj."
prowlingn Against him under metion 191 not their intention to action on mirting of mulicribers of the library,
were continued before Mr. Birley. hower, pwand
plaint under Section 121 on the 17th resolution that the
Further inspite of the clear Anding of Mr. May. paper whould be submerited for. Dr.
Brley that the evidence did not estab- Mr. Norton. Yes Bhandarkar hos therenpon resigned bin
linh any connection between Anoke uttice in the library and Rao Bahmur
Chandra Nandi and the garden the Lail Joshi bin monuberabip on the comruittee. was refused throughout and the learned
The following letter in published for Sessions Judge admitted him to bail
the information of the public. A FARIDPUR TRACHER DIMISED altur Arguinent and eventually he convict
The Bengal Provincial conference. Srijut Kali Prasanha Gbone, third
1900. ed him trachor,
oning lately on the statement of Faridpore Entrance Inhan
From School, bas been dismine
Narendra Nath Mullick. Thereafter we for taking mado repeated applications for bail on
Baba Bishnu Pada Chatterjee. part in Boycott demonstrations ank load. the ground that he was suffering from
MA, BL ing boys in pickettiog expeditions, pthinin with which he was attacked while
The Secretary reception in jail. UNOHAL INTEREST
Committee Provincial All those applications were re
Conference Hooghly Only one witno representing
fund. W. eventually made an applicathe
То tion to His Honour the Lieutenant the landholders ha apprared before Mr.
Babu Jotindra Mohan Sen Butterworth now witting in Madone to
Governor and His Honour admitted him word the opinions of the community
Pleader Dinajpur to ball. So far thin care in concerned
his in Connection with the scheme of elec- che goes out. If he
Dated Chinaurah
had been
alive, I am confident I would have been .tion to the councils by landholden and
11th August 1909.
Dear Sir, Mabomedan. A reminder of Bhadra able to prove to your Lordships that
With Reference to your letter dated bollam, in Godavary diatrlet, wald he not only he was not guilty but he was
the 25th July 1809. was le favour of nominations to the innocent of all the charge."
I am to state that it is proposed to counoid by Government for the simple
run the Hugli conference on the old and igeontrovertible roumon that the
The attitude of the Government as
linea i. a on the lines of Pabos Centersound and impartial judgmont of Governregards section 191 I. P. C. will be clear
ence. So it is not necessary for any sociament and the officers we thousand
from the following statements and com- tion to be affiliated to the Bengal ProviaLituee more valuable for the we con- monts on tho '14th August:
cial congress committee to be able to duct of the administration of the country Mr. Norton, for the Crown, Aid that
elect delegates to the conference. at the present time than the opinious
with regard to the charge under Section I am
191 he hal had a consultation with the I to the election of delegato at once sad of men who do not poses or require
also to request you to proceed political information. Government and his instructions were
send in their names to the secretary
on or before the 15th inst. to leave the matter to their lordalipu.
Your faithfully They dewired him not to withdraw the CUUNOLL RAPORY,
(ad) Amulya Chandra Dutta A draft of the proposoul constitu. charge under Section 181, for two res.
LALA KAN TLAL ON THE CONGRENA. One among others. In the first place oncies for the Northern Central and
Lala Kauhy al pleader of the Labore it Involved a charge against Indra Nath Chief Court Bar and one of the oldest Southern Division of the Presidency Nundy, who was one of those charged
Congresuman in the Province, in course of and City of Bombay for the cloutiou of
lottor to the Tribune declares in the second batch, and against whom
in the * Musulman meinbers of the uew Councils
prouent state of the country it was highly no much dofecta could be argued m inadviable to lay down the sims and objects han been reolved by the Anjuman-Inlaul,
of the Congress and that people should regard to tho first batch. The second Bombay, for its opinion. A reply is tu
Join the Congress and being in it, should quested within a week.
PORAN WAN that the Government were light in support of their opinions and
The draft in :-* follows:- The electorate for Mumban
Anxioun that, it pomnible, there should create majority if they can." It is so elections in the constituencies of the bo a decision upon the various questions
good, he declares, to find fault with the
Congress from outside. He attempts to Northora, Control and Southern Divini.
of law involved here, which would be refuto the theory that the Congress has on whall consist of the following per. extremely important both for present as
been welf-inflicted evil to the Hindu
Bobomunity and dwells at length outbe well w for future guidance. bons:-(1) All Justices of the Peace. ()
enormous good work done by the Con. All Honorary Magistrate (3) All ladd.
The Chief Justice: They do not in- greek Ho myhe is in favour of joining
and Lelping the Congres but be deplores holders paying not low than Rs.
struct you to argue this point? 100
interference of Government in 11
the land roveuu (4)
Mr. Norton! I may frankly state All persona
Exhibition. Tbe Congrow authorites, in that it was not their intention on the his opinion, ought to have done what Alessed to inconie tax on R 1000 or tuore (5) All graduate of reoognised 17th May to include Section 191, IUCHUN
they could without troubling Goverb
nient and in that case would have taught Universities in the British
they had not then all the materials with Empire.
the people alomon in self-help. (0) All holders of title safared by Ctor. erument. In the car of Bombay City for (3) aod (4) of bure shall be subutite.
Awarded Medal at the lodian Industrial Exhibition of 1906-07 Lad following. (3) All landbolders pay.
MACHINE-MADE ing not look than R 900 w land ro.
STOVE PAINTED venue (4) Alpernoga Adered to in
ITEEL TIVIT com lax on R 3000 or more,
Extract from Mr. J. G. Cumming, I. C TE ALIPO Box Can
Special Report on Industrial Survey of Ben Ad In the hearing of the appeals in the
Wide Calcutta Gastte, August 28th. 180)
BAZAR ROAD, CALCUTIA, turucut cu Dewe wsid on the 17.11-"My lordo, before
article 1procued to deal with the core I beg w' 107, MACUDA BAZAR ROAD, Calcutta Tel. Add.:-"TRUNER, CALCUTTA.