________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA important part in the lives of both the clergy and the laty. The Avasyaka-Sutra of Sudharma goes to the extent of saying: "That is real knowledge which begins with Samayika and ends with Bindusara (the fourteenth Purva) The result of this is Right Conduct and the result of Caritra is Nirvana." The vow of Samayika, by observing which one gets equanimity of the soul, lays it down that at least forty-eight minutes in a day must be given to meditation The most essential portion of which-Karema Bhante, etc,-may be translated thus : "O Lord! I do Samayika. I renounce all sinful activities. 1.11 I live, with mind, speech and body, neither will I do nor will I make others do them. For that (sin) O Lord! I revert from them; I condemn them in the presence of my spirit and preceptor, and I vow to keep my soul free from such actions." 3 1 These were the very words uttered by Lord Mahavira just after he was consecrated as a Sadhu.. One of the definitions offered of Samayika in the Avasyaka-Sutra commented upon by Harbhadra is roughly as follows: "He has rightly undergone the vow of Samayka who has attained the attitude of equality, which makes him look at all kinds of living beings as he looks towards himself. No kind of ascetrasm (Tapas) can be of any good so long as attachment and antipathy (Raga and Duesha) do not leave the soul. It is only when a man learns to look upon all living bemgs with equality (Samatva) that he can effect such a conquest over Raga and Duesha" Coming to Padrkamanum, or Sanskrit Pratakramana, we find herein a frank confession of sins and a sincere desire for their forgiveness. It is repentance for faults that already attach to the soul. "When engaging in Pratikramana-i e, confession-Jainas think of the sins that they may have committed against any being, possessing any Indriya and ask forgiveness At this time they also think of any germs which they may have created by sinning fegro - Avagyaha-Saetra, v 98, p 69 CJ Stercnson (A[rs), op cit, p 215 I a .alferufa-Avasyaha-Sulra, p 454 natfettet WEEE..." #FA AME. ." **ft.-Kalpa-Saira, SubodhakaTika, p 9 Cf Atasyola-Sacra, p 281 4: '!' H69, W u ' '. ., TRE A wafi. -Atasyala-Satra, p 329 "Cf. Dasgupla, op cit,1,P 201 52