________________ MAHAVIRA AND HIS TIMES Jaina church, and once it has reached these heights it has never to fall. Savs Umisvati : दग्धे योने यपात्यन्तं प्रादुर्भपति नादुरः / कर्मयोने तपा दग्धे न रोहति भयाकुरः। "Just as when a seed is totally burnt, no sprout comes forth, so also when the secd in the form of Karma is burnt, there is no more worldly existence." Thus, though there is no such being distinct from the world called God, yet certain of the elements of the world when properly developed obtain deification. God is only the highest, noblest and fullest manifestation of the powers which Ire latent in the soul of man." 3 It may not be out of place to remark that among such onniscient souls some are called Tirthankaras because of the presence of the Karma called Nama-Karma,' and whose one distinctive mark is their own natural awakening without anybody preaching to them, and who in their embodied condition preached and propounded the truth. The others are mere Kevalins, or SamanyaSiddhas, who are disembodied, steady and bliss-unending,5 The Tirthankaras with their unique godliness propound divinity and with their extraordinary supernatural beauty, power, glory and lustre leave an everlasting impression over the world. Really speaking Tirthankara is a peculiar term of Jainism. It is very often used to denote one who forms the CaturvidhaSangha (the fourfold order) of monks, nuns and male and female lay-followers, but, rightly speaking, a Tirthankara is he who sheds spiritual rays which bathe the ocean of this phenomenal world in a pure light, and it is through this that one is enabled to reach the heights of spiritual well-being. These Tirthankaras, by endowing fresh vigour, and giving new light and revival to Dharma, bless the world and leave it ahead of all previous ages. It is natural 1 BUCHET F antast agafa: : H T : I ---Vyayadharmasiru, op al, 150. : Umastatrvacaka, ap at, chap , sut 8, p 201. Rama: HINT 7 99: GEE HER F 114 7 ETUISTAT: . . -Vijayadharmasuri, op and loc at. - Radhakrishnan, op cit, 1, p 331 Just as the Karma called Gotra-Karma came in the way of Mahavira's being born to a Kshatriyant so we get bere Nama-Karma HER R mifer Hemacandra, op cit, chap XI, 48, p 80. If Jaini, op at, p 2 6 "When a new Tirthankarz rises, the followers of the preceding ones follow him, as the followers of Parsva followed Mahavira " --Stevenson (Mrs), op at, 241