________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA and power covered with a thin veil of Kaima matter which has been accumulating in them from beginningless time. The natural qualities of the soul are thus more or less obscured, and consequently various conditions of wcal (Punya) and woc (Papa) arc experienced. This is how we get the next two categorics--Viz. Punya and Papa. In Punya we include those matters that are connected with the soul and are the result of good and virtuous actions. Thosc that are contradictory to these are called Papas. Punya is the memtorious kind of Karma, while Papa is the sinful kind of it. 'When the soul is thus striving under such auspicious (Subha) and inauspicious (Asubha) Karmas it is helped by the activity of the mind, speech and body, which fact either liclps the inflow of such Karmic matter and thereby the soul gets bound to them, or acts as a bar to it It is here that we get Asrava, Samvara and Bandha. The activity of the mind, speech and body which makes the inflow of Karmic matter into the soul possible is technically called Asrava, while the same sort of activity which acts as a bar to such an inflow is called Samvara. The actual investing of the soul by this matter is called Bandha. Thus according to the Jaina Mata it is we who are responsible for our own condition. "In whatever degree we are ignorant, in pain, unhappy, unkind, cruel or weak, it is because, since birth and even previously in the infinite past, we are and have been acquiring and incorporating into oursclves (Asrava, Bandha)-by the attraction and assimilation of subtle, unseen, though real physical matter (Pudgala)-energies (Karma) which clog the natural wisdom, knowledge, blissfulness, love, compassion and strength of the soul, and which excite us to unnatural action" 3 1 yet ICT: -Hanbhadra, op cit, v 49 94 afsc . --Ind, 50 : FAIRE : यस्तैर्वन्धः स विशेष सावो जिनशासने // संवरस्तनिरोधस्तु धन्धो जीवस्य कर्मणः / WRITICAR fa ikiord, wv 50-61 * Warren, op cit, p 5 "The natural perfections of the pure soul are sullied by the different kinds of Karma matter Those who obscure right knowledge of details (Jriana) are called Jitanavaraniya , those which obsoure nght perception (Darsana), as an sleep, are called Darsandaraniya, those which obscure the bliss-nature of the soul and thus produce pleasure and pain are Vedaniya, and those which obscure the right attitude of the soul towards faith and right conduct, Mokaniya" -Dasgupta, op cit, , pp 100-191 In addition to these four kinds of Karma there are other four kinds of Karma, which are called Ayush-Karma, Nama-Karma, Gotra Karma and Antaraya Karma 40 degreretuse, Hate bees and pudgabals fune