________________ GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY HULTZSCH, E. Maliyapundi Grant of Ammaraja II. E.I., ix., 1907-1908, pp. 47 ff. HULTZSCA, E. Inscriptions of Asoka, C.II, i (new ed.), 1925. HULTZSCH, E. Inscriptions on the Three Jaina Colossi of Southern India. El., vii., 1902-1903, pp. 108 ff. HULTZSCE, E. Two Inscriptions from General Cunningham's Archaeological Reports. 1.A., xi, 1882, pp. 309 ff. JAYASWAL, K. P. Hathigumpha Inscription of the Emperor Kharavela (173-160 BC.). J.B.ORS, 111., 1917, pp. 425 ff. JAYASWAL, K. P. A Further Note on the Hathigumpha Inscription. J.B.O.R.S., xii., 1917, pp. 473 ff. JAYASWAL, K.'P. Hathigumpha Inscription Revised from the Rock. J.B.O R.S, iv, 1978, pp. 364 ff. JAYASWAL, K. P. Hathigumpha Inscription of the Emperor Kharavela. J.B.O.R.S., xiii., 1927, pp 221 ff. JAYASWAL, K. P. Hathigumpha Notes. J.BO.R.S., Xiv., 1928, pp. 150 ff. JAYASWAL, K.P. An Inscription of the Sunga Dynasty. J.B.O.RS. X, 1924, pp. 202 ff. JAYASWAL, K. P. The Statue of Wema Kadaphises and Kushan Chronology. J.BO.R.S., vi., 1920, pp. 12 ff. JINAVIJAYA, MUNI. Pracina Jaina Lekha Sangraha, i. Bhavanagar, 1917. KONOW, STEN. Epigraphy. 4.S I., 1903-1906, 1909, pp. 165 ff. KONOW, STEN. Taxila Inscription of the Year 136. E.I., XIV., 1917-1918, pp. 284 ff. KONOW, STEN. The Ara Inscription of Kanishka II: the Year 41. E.I., xiv., 1917-1918, pp. 130 ff. LUDERS, H. A List of Brahmi Inscriptions from the Earliest Times to about A.D. 400. E.I., X, 1912, Appendix 1. MAZUNDAR, R. C. Hathigumpha Inscription. 1.4., xlvii, 1918, pp. 228 ff. MLAZUAIDAR, R. C. Second Note on the Hathigumpha Inscription of Kharavela. 1.A , xlvin., 1919, pp. 187 ff. NARASIMACHAR, R. Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola E.C., IL., 1923. ALNSEP, JABIES. Note on Inscriptions at Udayagiri and Kangas giri in Cuttack, in the Lat Character. J.A.S.B.. vi, 1837, pp. 1072 ff. PRINSEP, JAMES Translation of Inscription in the Society's Museum -Brahmestara Insciption, from Cuttack. J. 1838, pp. 557 ff. RINSEP, JAMES. Facsimiles of Ancient Inscriptions. JAS.B, vii., 1838, pp. 33 ff. BANERJI A. The Lomasa Rsi Cave Facade. J.B.O.RS.. xil., 1926, pp. 309 ff. 265