________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA the writers have not even cared to give their names. However, the Kuvalayamala, with the historical sense rightly ingrated in it, gives us more or less an exact picture of the period and the swroundings in which this work was composed, and the lineage of the great Siri who brought it into existence. The following are the first few of the important introductory verses that have come down to us 1. (9) fra yefufHET GREU VET AU w a fai तत्यत्यि पह शामेण उत्तरापहं बुजणायण // (2) मुइदिसचाहमोहा विषसिमकमलाणणा विमलदेहा / तत्पत्य जलहिदशा सरिता यह चंदभाय शि। (3) तौरम्मि तीय पपडा पधइया णाम रयणसोहिना / अत्यत्यि ठिए भुता पुहई सिरितोररारण / (8) तस्स गुरु हरिवनो पायरियो पास गुनवसायो। तीय एयरोय दिएणो ण शिवेसो नहिं काले // (5) नस्स वि सिस्सो पगडो महाकई देववन्नामो नि।' The substance of these verses is as follows " In the world there are two paths and only two countries (Dakshinapatha and Uttarapatha), which are widely known. Of these Uttarapatha is considered to be a country full of scholars In that country flows the River Candrabhaga, appearing as if she were the sweetheart of the ocean. On the bank of that river is situated the well-known prosperous town of Pavvaiya. It is when he was here that Sritoraraya enjoyed his authority over the earth. Acarya Harigupta, who was born of the Gupta dynasty, was the Guru of this king, and at that time he was practically residing there. Devagupta, who was a great poet, became the pupil of this Acarya." These introductory verses of Udyotanasuri are of equal im 1 Juavjaya znforms us that only two manuscript copies of Kuvalayamala are available at present-one in the Government collection at Poona and the other in the Jana Bhandara at Jesalmer Both copies differ from each other in minor points as well as in points of great historical importance The learned scholar ascribes these differences to the author himself, and believes that in both the texts they come down from the original sources themselves Cf rbid, p 175 Cf koud ,P 177 In the Poona manuscript the first two verses are not to be found It begins with the third verse, and the opening portion completely differs from that of the Jesalmer manuscript, it is as follows wfra que TUI For Acer in the Poone manuscript we find a For the first half of the fifth verse we find the following whole verse in the Poona copy जिस्म बहुकलाकुसलो सिद्धानापियाणचो कई दक्खो। प्रायरिय देवगुतो न सिजवि विजरर किती // -Ibid 210