________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA "consists of the dated inscriptions which in my opinion belong to the time of Kanishka, Huvishka and Vasudeva. Not one shons the name of a king. Nevertheless, I believe that nobody, sho carefully compares them with the dated documents, mentioning the three kings, will come to a different conclusion." These dated Kushana inscriptions range within the well-known limits from Samvat 4 to Samvat 98. It is not possible to exactly lay down whether the mode of reckoning made use of in these inscriptions is the Samvat era of the Great Vikrama or some other era. "The chronology of this period has been one of the most perplexing problems in the whole of Indian history; and the problem can scarcely be said to be solved positively even nowthat is to say, it has not yet been placed beyond all possibility of doubt." 3 There is a lot of difference of opinon about the crucial point of the Kushana chronology. All the same, along with several scholars of eminence and repute, we feel that the era made use of in these inscriptions is the one known as the Saka era, commencing A.D. 78.5 One of the inscriptions on a Jaina pedestal at Kankali mound runs as follows: "Siddham Maharajasya Kanishkasya Samvatsara navame... Mase prath .. Drvase 5," etc.6 No doubt as in the Sodasa and other Kushana inscriptions, and "as characteristic of the old Vikrama-Malava era," 7 we find here also the ancient Indian way of dating, with mention of the season, the number of the month within the season, and the day of the month; but this does not mean that the mode of reckoning adopted by the Kushanas under no circumstances can be connected with the Saka era. On the other hand there is nothing impossible what is characteristic of the old Vikrama-Malava era were adoptu 2 Bihler, EI,1, p 108 : Cf ord, Cunningham, op clip 14 * Rapson, op cit, p 683 For the various theories of Kanishka's date sec Raychaudhurs, op al, pp 200. * "According to Fergusson, Oldenberg, Thomas, Banerji, Ropson, and many out scholnrs, Kamshe was the founder of the rechonmg con menemg AD 78, WAS to be known as the Saha era " Iord, p 207 C Hormilc. Utdsaga Dasco, There is great difference of opimion as to who was the real founder of the son though the much is certain that it must have been some forcigh ruler who Sun As Pandit Ojha remarks, it is not possible to lay down anything for certat per the person behind this cm CJ Ojlin, Palcography of India, pp 179-173 (And ed} * Cunningham, op af, Ins No IV, Pinte XIII, 31. Konou, op cit, P 111 198