________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA accompanied with a great retinue, to pay his respects to Nataputta. In connection with the Vaisali king, Cetaka, and Campa, the capital of Dadhivahana, we have seen that more than once he had come in touch with Mahavira, and that he looked with great respect and honour towards all those who were connected with the Jarna church. His love for Mahavira and his faith in the doctrines propounded by the Jina are clear when he openly confessed before Vardhamana and his followers to the following effect : "O Lord! you have said the right thing The path of true religion has been made clear to us by your honour Yours is a unique message of renunciation, peace," etc? Coming to Udaya or Udayin, the successor of Kunika, we find that both the Buddhists and the Jamas hold him as such m the teeth of various other traditions. Referring to this Dr Raychaudhuri observes. "Ajatasatru was succeeded according to the Puranas by Darsaka. Professor Geiger considers the insertion of Darsaka after Ajatasatru to be an error, because the Pali canon indubitably asserts that Udayibhadda was the son of Ajatasatru, and probably also his successor 4 Though the reality of the existence of Darsaka, as king of Magadha, is established by the discovery of Bhasa's Svapna-Vasavadatta, yet in the face of the Buddhist and Jaina evidence it cannot be confidently asserted that he was ..., The Jaina cuccessor of Ajatasation idently asserted to The Jaina evidence of which the learned scholar speaks about is based mostly on the Avasyaka commentary of Harbhadra, the Trishashti-Salaka and the Panorshtaparvan of Hemacandra and the Kathakosa of Tawney. Further than this the traditions recorded in these books do not seem to agree with those in the Pali canon To quote Dr Pradhan: "Ajatasatru was, according 1C Aupapahka, sut 12, 27, 80, pp 24, 25, 57, 58, 50, 68, 64, Stevenson (Mrs), op cit, P 40, Hernacandre, Parishtaparuan, Canto IV, Vy 1, 9, 8B, 85, Apafyala-sana Pp 884, 687, Hoernle, op cit, 1, 9 तरण कूणिए राया महावीर बदति एय बयासी-मुसबखाए ते भंते ! eteAupapatika, sut 86, p 83 * Pargiter, Dynasties of the Kah Age, Pp 21, 69, Pradhan, op cit, p 217 * Geiger, Malavansa, Paricchedo IV, w 1-2 * Raychaudhuri, opal, p 180 "The order of succession in the Vishnutt Wacom inserts Darsaka between Ajatabatru and Udaya va must be rejected Pracht, op and loc cu Darbaka may be one of Bimbisara's many sons who managed the State affairs during the lifetime of his father Cf ord , p 212 ic: T: TUET TE FT. -Avasyaha-Sotra, P 687 * Hemacandra, op cit, v 22 Cf Trishashtu-Salaka, Para X, Y 420, P 172 CY Tawney, op cit, p 177 122