________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA government was vested in a senate composed of the heads of the resident Kshatriya clans, and presided over by an officer who had the title of king, and was assisted by a viceroy and a commanderin-chief." 1 " The most important amongst the republics were the Vajians of Vasali and the Mallas of Kusinara (Kusinagara) and Pava As in Rome, so in Videha the overthrow of the monarchy was followed by the rise of a republic--the Vijjian confederacy" ? Thus the monarchies of a former age were succeeded by aristocratic republics like that of Vaisali with the heads of the Kshatriya clans of Kundagama and at other places. Looking at the great power that the Sarsunagas were wielding in the political atmosphere of the country-such republic had doubtless a very short existence. To quote Dr Law," From the account of their political institutions that can be gleaned from the Pali Buddhist canon we get an insight into the demociatic ideas of statecraft and government that prevailed among the majority of the Aryan clans that peopled northern India before the imperialistic policy of the Mauryas grew and developed, as we have it on the authority of the great Brahman statesman whose policy and activity were responsible, in no little measure, for the foundation of the Maurya Empne." 8 For our purpose suffice at to say that Siddhartha, as the head of the Nata or Naya clan, must have obtained some emmence in senate and state, which is amply borne out eventually by his marriage with Trisala, the sister of this republican king4 Taking next the Jniatrikas 5 we find that they formed the clan which gave India one of its greatest religious reformers Their importance as a Kshatriya tribe is self-evident when we already know that they formed one of the most important clans of the "Confederacy of the Vryis or of the Licchivis" They " were the clan of Siddhartha and his son Mahavira the Jina. They had their scats at Kundapura or Kundagrama and Kollaga, suburbs of 1C Steichson (Mrs), op cit, p 22, Raychaudhur, op cit, pp 73-70 Ind, pp 52, 116 cf. Thomas (F W.), CHI, 1, p 491 * LOK (BC), op mt , pp 1-2 . CJ Stet cnson (Mrs), op cit, p 22, Jacobi, op al, Int, P vil The name of the clan is also given as the Naya or Natha clan C Low (BC) op ct, P 121; Hoernic, op ml, p 4, The Vidsaga-Dasdo says about Kollage to the following effect "Outside of the city of Viintyngiimii, in a north-easterly direction, there was a suburb called Kolliga, Whic!! was large, strong plateal, ctc -Hoernle, on al, 8 cl abid, p 4, burb of Varsilt (Besar) in the distmct of Moza(Tarpur (Tichut) in which the Mayo.hu Kshatriya, resided ahistra, the Jninri Tirthaukima, belonged to the class o Kshatriya"-Dey, op cit, p 102 101