________________ JAINISM IN ROYAL FAMILIES Kuniya, with whom Jiyasattu is compared here, is none else but Ajatasatru, the son and successor of Bimbisara of Magadha. The comparison is quite appropriate when we know that Kuniya, like his father, was a great Jaina. Whether or not this was the state of things throughout his career we shall examine later on, but this much is certain, that he had his distinct sympathies for the Jaina church 1 and must have more than once come into personal touch with Lord Mahavira. We have already seen that this Kuniya or Kunika had an occasion for an open fight with his grandfather, Cedaga, for an elephant with which his younger brother had run away to Vaisali. It appears from this that by way of rivalry with Ajatasattu (Ajatasatru) Cedaga was called also Jiyasattu. Once again, to cite Dr Hoernle," the name of Jiyasattu (Skt. Jitasatru) he may have received, as has been suggested, by way of rivalry with Ajatasattu (Skr. Ajatasatru), king of Magadha, who at first was also a patron of Mahavira, though afterwards he exchanged him for Buddha. To the Jainas Ajatasattu is known under the name of Kuniya, and under that name he is compared with Jiyasattu here and elsewhere." From all these traditions connected with the Licchavi Kshatriyas it is highly probable that, like the Videhans, they were also Jainas themselves. If this is granted, the great and powerful dynasty of the Licchavis was really a valuable source of strength to the reformed church of Mahavira. Their very capital formed the headquarters of the Jaina community during the days of Alabavira. From the Jaina literature itself we know that Mahavira was very closely connected with the metropolis of the Licchavis. Vaisali claims the last prophet of the Jainas as its own atizen The Sutrakstanga says about Mahavira as follows. "Thus spoke the Arhat Jnatriputra, the reverend, famous native of Vaisali, who possessed the highest knowledge and the highest faith, who possessed (simultaneously) the highest knowledge and faith." 4 "This passage is also repeated in another Jaina work, the UttaradhyayanaSutra, with a slight variation. Mahavira is spoken of as Vesalie or 1 PR o fur Tr .. HADI TTO PERTS. Efa wafa. -AupapatlaSutra 32, 75 * Hoerole, op and loc cat. For further facts about the strength of Jainism in Vasilisce LAW (B C), op at, pp. 72-75. Jacobi, op cit,p 194. Jacobi, S.B.2, xlv, p. 201. * Cf. Uttaradhyayana-Sutra, Lecture VI, v. 17, Jacobi, op al, 27. 101