________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA Bimbisara, Cellana and others, who were more or less the leading figures of the Jaina community of those days, and this naturally created in him respect and sympathy for the Jaina church About the Avanti-Pradyota and luis Queen Siva's sentiments for the Jaina church Hemacandra tells us that he had his distinct sympathies for the Jana faith, and that it was with his permission that his etght queens, Angaravati and others, along with Mrgavati of Kausambi, joined the order 2 In his connection with Udayana of Sauvira we have already seen that Pradyota himself had declared that he also was traditionally a Jamna himself. No doubt the fierce and unscrupulous character of the lord of Avanti is known both to the Bauddhas and the Jamas, but in this particular incident one cannot see for what earthly reason he should have falsely represented himself to be a Jaina. If he had his own suspicion he could as well have refused the food on some other ground than this. Whether a fact or a fiction, one thing is certain---that the moral of this particular incident is to show something else than the evil nature of this or that king. The leading idea is that though a grcat enemy of Pradyota as Udayana was, he did not like to see a captive before him, whether a Jaina or not, during the days of his religious festival Thus out of the seven daughters of Cetaka, Prabhavati, Padmavati, Mrgavati, Siva and Cellana were married respectively to the lords of Sauvila, Anga, Vatsa (Vamsa), Avanti and Mngadha Of these the last four are included both in the Buddhist and the Jaina lists of the Sixteen Mahajanapadas, while nothing more can bc said about the Sauvira-Desa Of the remaining two daughters of Cetaka, Jycshtha was married to Nandivardhana, brother of Lord Mahavira and ruler of Kundagrama, while Sujyeshthu joined 1 Hat Ta CU A 3040 741, The I ctc ---Bhageal, sul 4+2, p 056 * महागृहन्मृगाया प्रनत्यो खामिसविधी / मटायगारपत्याद्याः प्रद्योतनृपतेः मियाः / --llcmendm, op al, 233, 107. IC Rhy Davids, op and local,.. #va c asyal a Sitra, p 300 Mhandithar, op and local : THE .Kalpa-Sutra, Subodhitd-rid. $ . Se cr Trasyal a Sulra, 300, Meyer (JJ), on cit. pp 110 111, Kalpa-Sufru, hai 77, sut 59, p 192 " Raychaudunt, op el. pp 50 60 "CC Tarifle Satrit p 67T, Tlemacandm, ep al, 102. p 17 999