________________ JAINISMI IN ROYAL FAMILIES orders that Canda Pradyota be served with anything he liked. However the latter, from fear of being poisoned, did not wish to eat the food that was brought him, and said that he too had a fast to observe, being, as he was, of the same religion as Udayana. This was reported to the king, and as a real Jaina he replied: "I know that he is a rogue, but while he is a captive my Pajjusana even does not become pure and auspicious." 1 Coming next to Padmavati we find that she was married to King Dadhivahana of Campa, a once a great centre of Jainism. Haribhadra, in his commentary on the Avasyaka-Sutra, clearly states that both the king and queen were great adherents of the Jaina church. Considering the bustorical importance that Campa enjoys in the Jaina annals there is nothing strange if one assumes on the authority of the Jaina literature that the family of Dadhivahana had a living interest in the Jaina doctrines. "Jaina tradition places him in the beginning of the sixth century B.C. His daughter Candada or Candrabala was the first female who embraced Jainism shortly after Mahavira had attained the Kevaliship"5 Jaina narrative and other literature are full of Teferences to this first female disciple of Mahavira. It was she who headed all the female lay and other worshippers of Vardhamana in his own days. The political significance connected with her life is that when "Satanika, king of Kausambi, attacked Campa, the capital of Dadhivahana, Candana, fell into the hands of a robber, but all along she maintained the vows of the order."? This 1 Cf Bhandarkar, op and loc. at ; Meyer (J.J.), op cit, p 110-111; Kalpa-Sutra, Subodhiha-Tika, sut. 59, p. 192 wa 40, Tarun, HU-Hey , hafa Hrafnt atat, etc - Atasyala-Sira, p 800. want art UETEF14--Ihd, pp 676, 677 CJ. Meyer (J J.), op cit,p 122 3 Cr. Dey, op cit, p 44 ; Dey, J.AS.B (New Series), x, 1014, p 384 * Harbhadra tells us that, leaving the kingdom to their son Karakandu, both the king and the queen joined the order, prireditato ry writ T HalNT, wf IFT CATETET Hafan, FRIGARINGE : .. -Arsyaha-Satra, pp. 716,717, 718 It is further said that Karalandu also, bke his father, finally joined the onder. C bid, p 719 For further reference about Karakanda and his parents see MIcyer (J J ), op.cit, pp 122-136 Santyacarya, Ullaradhyayana-Sishyahrta, pp 800-303 , Laxmu-Talabha, Uttaradhyayana-Dipiha, pp 254-250 Raychaudhuri, op cit, p 69. Cf Dey, op cit, p 321. समास भगतो महावीरस सज्जाचदणापामुक्खायो चन्नीस सज्जियासाहसीलो . हत्या -Kalpa-Sitra, Subodhka-77ki, sul. 138, P 123 Cf. Dey, op and loc, ai! Raychaudhuri, op cit,p 69 Cr bid, 84 "Campa was occupied and destroyed by Satinika II, the king of Kausimbi, a few years before Bimbisara's anneutron Pradhan, op at, 214, 93