________________ JAINISM IN ROYAL FAMILIES Besides Cellana. Cetaka had six other daughters, out of whom one preferred to be a pun and the other five were married in one or the other royal family of Eastern India. How far this fact can be taken as an historical truth we cannot say, but hardly with any exception almost all those ruling dynasties with whom the Licchavis were thus connected can be fully identified in the light of modern research. The names of these Licchavi princesses are Prabhavati, Padmavati, Mrgavati, Siva, Jyeshtha, Sujyeshtha and Cellana 1 Of these, Prabhavati, the eldest, was married to King Udayana of Vitabhaya, which has been identified at various places in the Jaina literature with a town of Sindhu-Sauvira-Desa. But to what part of the country these literary evidences allude we cannot exactly say, because on the basis of various sources it has been identified with different places in the west and north-west of India. Cunningham identifies it with the province of Badari or Eder, at the head of the Gulf of Cambay."3 Dr Rhys Davids more or less agrees with Cunningham, and places Sauvira in his map to the north of Kathiawar and along the Gulf of Cutch.4 Alberuni identifies it with Multan and Jahravar, and this is also accepted by Mr Dey.5 On the other hand the Jaina traditions are as follows: Abhayadevasuri, in his commentary on the Bhagavati, puts his interpretation in the following words: fer stunt: - TU14: सिन्धुसौवीरास्तेषु .. विगता ईतयो भयानि च यतस्तद्वीतिभयं विदन्ौत केचित् / The story of Udayana translated by Meyer from the Uttaradhyayana-Sutra mentions Vitabhaya as follows: "There was in Kosala Deri; the Jaina tradition, confirmed by the standang epithet of Vedehi-Putto, son of the princess of Videha, in the older Buddhist books makes him a son of Cellani " -Rhys Davids, C.H./,i,p 188. देव्या घेलण्या सार्धपराहन्पदा नृपः। वीरें समवसरणस्थित वन्दितुमभ्यमात् // पन्दित्वा श्रीमदहन्तं वलितौ तौ च दंपती। Hemnacandra, op. at , IT. 11-12, p 86 1 Alasyala-Sutra, p. 676; Hemacandra, op at, v. 187, p 77. thatat ... Site TT . SETYO WEET THI. --Bhagavati, sut 491, p 618. C also Acasyala-Sutre, p. 676; Hemacandra, op. al, v. 190, p.77; fagelekealta gt T-4 4 1-Ind., v. 327, p 147; Dreyer (J. J), op al, p. 97. * Cunningham, op cit, p 509 Rhys Davids, Buddhist India, map facing p 320 Sachau, Alberuni's Indra, 1, p. 302. C Dey, op al, p 183 * Bhagavati, sut 492, PP S20-321. 89