________________ JAINISM IN NORTH INDIA Ramnagar near Aonla in the Bareily District), while Southern Pancala had its capital at Kampulya, and stretched from the Ganges to the Chambal " 1 Along with this background of the Pancala history we have direct references to it in the Jaina annals as well The Uttaradhyayana-Sutra mentions a great Pancala king named Brahmadatta, who was born of Culani in Kampilya.He meets Citta, his brother in a former birth, and who has become a Sramana in this Brahmadatta is styled a universal monarch, and he is so fond of worldly pleasure that he does not care for the advice of his brother Citta and finally goes to hell. A further reference in this direction by the same Sutra is also to a king of Kampilya named Sanjaya, who "gave up his kingly power and adopted the faith of the Jinas in the presence of the venerable monk Gardabhali"4 Thus it seems probable that Kasi and Pancala, the two of the sixteen states of considerable extent and power," 5 were joined together on matrimonial grounds, and the probability becomes more of a certainty when we know from the dynastic lists prepared by Pargater that there was some Senajit who was one of the rulers of Southern Pancala. Doing away with some superficial variations in names, this Senajit can with no historical Raychaudhuri, op ci, p 85 Cf also Smith, op at, pp 801-892, Dey, op cul, p 145 1 "Little is known about the history of Karppilya, apparently the modern Kompil in the Farrukabad District "-Smith, op cit, p 892 s gate HERE, , A ART Fora I WANT Yagat extor fa TAT A 431 . FC Uttaradhyayana Sulra, Lecture XIII, vv 1, 2, 34 c Jacobi, S.BE , xlv, pp 57-01 The stories about Kitra (Citta) and Sambhuta (Brahmadatta) and the fate they underwent in many births are common to Brahmans, Jainas and Buddhists Cf ind, PP 56, 67, Raychaudhuri, op. cit, p 80, Charpentier, Uttaradhyayana, pt. 1, PP 828-881 trat . नामेण संनये // सजसो चइ रज निक्खनो निणसासणे / गहभालिस भगवतो अणगारस पनिर // -Utrudhyayana-Satra, Lecture XVIII, V 1, 10 J Jacobi, op cit, pp 80, 82; Raychaudhur, op and loc cut "The Joinns also afford testimony to the greatness of Kusi, and represent Alvasna, hing of Benarcs, as the father of that Tirthankara Pursya who is said to lave died wat years before Malasira-10 in 777 DC" Iord, op cl,p 01 Taking 480-407 WC** the date of Malay Trans Verana wc Act 730-717 as the date of Pitsva's Nirtana Cf Pregitcr, Ancient Indian Tistorical Tradition, 146; Pradhan, Chronology of Incient India, P 101 tness of Kust as said to bakeca incas $2