________________ MAHAVIRA AND HIS TIMES Thus as a sect the Ajivikas practically disappeared from India by the end of the second century B.c, though we find some such reference to it in the literature of the later period, as in Varahamihira, Silanka's commentary on Sutrakrtanga, Halayudha's Abhidhana-Ratnamala, and in the inscriptional record on the walls of the Perumal temple at Poygaie, near Virinchipuram. All these references are not directly connected with the Ajivikas, nor are they in any way pure Ajivika references. In many a place the term Ajivika is used for the Digambara sect of the Jainas. With these few words about the first important schism in the Jaina church we shall pass on to the second epoch-making division --namely, the Svetambara and the Digambara sects of the Jainas. Really speaking it is very difficult to say as to where lies the first origin of this division in the Jaina community. What both the Digambara and the Svetambara traditions have to say on this and other points referring to each other is at times childish and very often quite unhistorical. Anyhow this much is certain, that this schism has done a lot of harm to the general progress and prosperity of the Jaina community. Both Jama literature and Jaina history have suffered greatly from contradictory and retaliating traditions put forward by the two divisions They look at each other as heretics, and sometimes worse than that 4 In their zeal to keep up the prestige of belonging to the original church of Lord Mahavira none of them talks about its own origin, but both make a few sarcastic and sometimes disgraceful remarks about the origin and certain other beliefs of the rival sect Taking the Digambara traditions we find that the Digambaras themselves do not agree in their exposition of this division in a Hindu, had no special grievance against an Ajivika, who was popularly regarded as a follower of Vishnu or Krshing -Iord. This is based on the authority of Kern (1.4 , XX, DD 861 fr ), but there is nothing in Jaina canonical or other literature to support this Anyhow it may safely be said that it can hardly be a Hindu or a Buddhist who could love done this "The only alternative left is a Jaina." Historically also "the JomaAjivika enmity makes it almost a certaintr -Sastri (Baperu), op cit, P 60. For Hultzsch's statement see CII, 1, Int , P. XXVIN (new ed , 1925) * Sastri (Banerji), op. cit, p 53 . Hoernle, op cit, pp 266-267. 3 "There can be no doubt, therefore, that since the Gth century AD when Vari. hamzhina used the term, the name has signified the Digambar sect of the Janas "-Ibid, P 986 34 34 #f64, 13419 THTO I, etc - Desasenasari, Bhacasamgrala (Soni's ed ), v. 100, p. 30 Cf. Prem, Darsanasara, p 57. FREIGHT ... ctc - Acasyaha-Satra, p 324. 67