Religious Ritrals and Practices of the Karnataka Jainas
malc offspring. Jinasena advises the Jainas to worship the Jina with proper recitation of Jaina mantra on the occasion of performing this ritual. They are then advised to offer oblation to the three sacred fires, as was done on the occasion of attaining salvation by the Jainas. After observing the prcceding rites, the couple is allowed to unite for obtaining a son.
Prili is a Jaina ritc to preserve the pregnancy of a woman in the third month, which is performed by the Jaina Brālimanas in the Jaina temple. Jinasena prescribes the cicction of an arch (torana) and establishment of two water vessels on cachi side of the door of the householder's house. Jinascna also lays down rules for making provisions for playing of drums and the sounding of bells on this pious occasion according to the cconomic capacity of the Jainas.”
Jinasena then refers to two important rites, which are termed as the supriti and the dhşli rite for the prosperity and welfare of the pregnant woman. Hc ordains the Jainas to perform the former lite in the presence of the sacred fires kindled before the Jina image with the proper recitation of Jaina hymns in the fifth month from her conception and to observe the latter in the seventh month of the pregnancy, preceded by the worship of the Jina."
The next puberty ritc is termed as the moda for the fullest completion of the woman's pregnancy in the 9th monthi. The woman is decked with ornaments and costly clothings. Then, a girdle, called galrika-bandha containing the Jaina hymns is lied around her waist for the protection of the foelus. The rite is performed by the Jaina Brāhmanas before the image of the Jina.5 The prizodbhava or Fataharma ritc is performed on the occasion of the birth of the child. Jinasena advises thc Jainas to observe this rite carefully after reciting the Jaina hymns before the Jina.. i Adipurāna, pt. ii, ch, 38, vv. 70-6, p. 245. 2. Ibid. vy. 77-9, p. 246.
Ibid. vy, 80-1, p. 246. 4. Ibid. v. 82, p. 246. 5. Ibid. vy. 83-4, p. 218. 6. Ibid. pt. ii, ch. 38, vv. 85-6, p. 246.