Do not desire (women), those female demons ?, on whose breasts grow two lumps of flesh, who continually change their mind, who entice men, and then make a sport of them as of slaves. (18)
A houseless (monk) should not desire women, he should turn away from females; learning thoroughly the Law, a monk should strictly keep its rules. (19)
This Law has been taught by Kapila of pure knowledge; those who follow it, will be saved and will gain both worlds. (20)
Thus I say.
THE PRAVRAGYÂ OF KING NAMI . After (Nami) had descended from the world of the gods, and had been born as a man, he put an end to the influence of delusion, and remembered his former birth. (1)
Remembering his former birth, king Nami
1 Rakshasis in the original.
9 The Life of king Nami and his Bôdhi is told in the commentary. The Prâkrit text of this romance is printed in my
Ausgewählte Erzählungen in Mâhârâshtrî,' Leipzig, 1886, p. 41 ff. Nami is one of the four simultaneous Pratyêkabuddhas, i.e. one of those saints who reach the highest stage of knowledge by an effort of their own, not through regular instruction and religious discipline. The Pratyêkabuddhas or Svayamsambuddhas (Sahasambuddha in Prakrit) do not, however, propagate the true Law, as the Tîrthakaras do. As the legend of Nami is not materially connected with our text, I need not give an abstract of it here.