And then, above them, in pairs again :
Anata & Pranata
Arana & Achyuta
The Digambaras add Brahmottara before Lantaka, Kapistha and Sukra before Mahasukra, and Satara before Sahasrara making a total of 16
Kalpa tree-It was a variety of flora, now wholly extinct, which supplied everyday requirements of human beings, subsistence in particular, before they devised various arts and crafts.
Karma-It is a substantive force, matter in very subtle form These matter-particles called pudgalas fill all cosmic space. The soul, by its communication with the outer world, becomes literally penetrated with by these matter-particles These in turn become karma, and build up a special body called karman sarıra, which does not leave the soul till its final liberation Karnia works in such a way that every action leaves a mark of its own which is retained and built in into the organism to serve as the basis of future action.
Kopalika-A sect of heretical monks in the Sakti cult prevalent all over India at one time The Lapalika mode of propitiation, is not very dominant now, though there are many Saktas in India to this day. They usually believe in animal slaughter.
Kayotsarga-A standing posture of meditation, peculiar to the Jaina monks Literally, it means giving up (attachment to) the body.
Kesariya modaka-A sweet prepared from wheat flour, sugar and clarified butter called ghee with sufficient addition of saffron to impart colour and flavour
Kevala jnana- See Jnana
Kinnara-See Deva
Muni-A Jaina monk, literally, one who keeps control of the tongue, vow of non-speaking.
Muni Subrata-Twentieth tirthankara of the Jainas. Nandana-vana-A forest, well-known for its beauty, said to be located somewhere between Mount Meru and Devakuru