Brabma--A god of Hindu mytholcgy linked with creation. Byantara-See Deva.
Chaitra-Name of a month in the Indian calendar, extending roughly from the middle of March to the middle of April
Chaturdası-Fourteenth day of the fortnight in the month. It is a very special day in the Jaina life for fasting and other penances
Dera- A celestial being. Therc are four broad categories of celestial beings as follows:
(1) Bhayanapatis (residential), (2) Byantaras (Peripatetic) (3) Jyotiskas (stellar bodies) and (4) Vaimaoikas (heavenly bodies )
The following are the Bhavanapati deras :
Asurakumaras, Nagakumaras, Vidyutkumaras, Suparnakumaras, Agnikumaras, Vatakumaras, Stapitkumaras, Udadhikumaras, Dwipkumaras and Dikkumaras
The following are the Byantara deras :
Kinnaras, Kimpurisas, Moharagas, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Bhutas and Pisachas
Jyotiska devas include the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, etc,
Vaimanikas are of two types : Kalpotpapnas apd Kalpatitas The former live in heavens just above the Jyotiska devas and the latter live farther beyond
Bhavanapatis and Byantaras live just above or below the earth.
Dharma-Law, religion Technically, the Jaipas have used the term to signify 'motion', as adharnia sigpifies ‘rest.
Dharma-dh, ana—Meditatiog on spiritual objects, like the words of the tirthankaras, images of the tirthankaras, etc The Jainas have conceived four types of meditation, of which two are common to all worldly beings and two are followed by those who are on the spiritual path. They are : (1) Arta-dhyana which is meditating on earthly objects.
for one's own happiness ;