P. 37. (330). Do, in Vațțeluttu, on the pedestal of one of the images on the hill at Kongar-Pulivangulam, records that the image was cut at the instance of Gunasenapperivadigal, the pupil of Varttamanava-Panditar who was the pupil of Guņasenadeva presiding over Knrandi-Itirukkattamballi in Vanbu nadu.
P. 38. (331). Do, on the pedestal of a Jain image on the hill at Kongar-Puliyangulam. It records that the image was cut at the instance of a pupil of Gunasenadeva who was in charge of this palli.
(332). Do, on the pedestal of a Jain image in the same place. Mentions Gunasenadeva who presided over this palli.
P. 66. (105). Inscriptions in Vațțeluttu, on a rock near the Jain image on the hill at Kuppâlnattam, refers to the cutting of the images.
Pp. 68-75. Six caverns already known-Three new in the Madura district-Panchapandava beds in the caverns at TiruparankunramOther antiquities on the hill-Jain sculptures-Cavern at Alagarmalai - The Jain teacher Ajjanandi, in the cavern-Madura and Tinnevelley districts particularly rich in such ancient monuments-Their Buddhist origin-Jain figures in the natural cave at Kuppălnattam-Other Jain sculptures and inscriptions-Jain hermitage at Kongar-Puliyangulam -Another at Vedal-Used for retirement or shelter during the rainy season-A Pallava rock-cut temple at Pallavaram-Another on the hill at Tirukkalukkunram-Pandya cave-temples at Tiruparankunram and Anaimalai-Kunnakkudi rock-cut temples, perhaps also of Pandva origin-Two Chera monolithic caves-Undavilli cave temples-One of them known as Anantasayanagudi-A Reddi record of the 14th century on the wall of the kitchen-Undavilli caves similar in style to those at Udayagiri and Khandagiri in Orissa-Might have come into existence in the Andhra period.
P. 78. Reference to a Jain hermitage at Vedal-Nandi of the Vedal inscription is identical with Nandivarman Pallavamalla.
P. 103. The revival of the saiva religion and the consequent disappearance of the Jain and Buddhist influence in Southern India, is