Matters in such case cannot be treated off lightly by relying solely upon impressions whichi others are likely to consider as being biassed owing to the religious proclivities of the writer who is known to follow a different religion. We would gladly refrain from taking your views in that light; but we urge that the Jains as a community woull feel so when your views appear to be opposed to the historic materials mentioned above. We do feel that even if you had any materials to base your present view. before lencling your naine to and endorsing a view, palpably unacceptable to Jains, you should have at least consulted some Jain Scholars thereon to have both the pros and cons before you ; or should have personally sifted all the available historic materials. Without doing so you have done injustice to the Jain Coinmunity by giving currency to views which are unfounded, and thus irreparably casting slur on them and their religion.
Here the question of one being entitled to independent thinking and courage of opinion does not arise. What you propose to write is history and not personal views. As it is, various statements made by you are not history : and are altogether contrary to facts. We would but cite a single instance how your methods have ler