conclusions or recognised authoritiesl' on Jainism and the opinions of the prominent learned contemporaries of yours, without in the least attemptting to controvert the same. It has to be kept în view specially when you happen to be writing about a great historic coninunity and its religion. We do submit that when principles of a particular religion are set (lown as professed by the followers of that religion, they nust be generally acceptable to them and must be based on what they consider to be authentic writings.
The Jains consider "Kalpasutra" amongst others as an authentic document and this has been proved to be of great antiquity and historical value.20 You will find Lord Rishabha mentioned therein as the first Tirthanker i.e. Lord and Propounder of Jainism in this cycle, and not Parshwanatha the 23rd 'Tirthanker. It inust be noted here that the Jains, unlike Hindus, are considered by Western Scholars as exact chroniclers of events of their time and are noted for giving mostly exact, detailed, and reliable historical information in all matters whether pertaining specially to them or not."1 Having regard to this, the Jain works could have been very well relied upon for requisite historic information pertaining to themselves and within their own sphere.