•: 54:. .. Jinabhadra Gani's [The first नाणाजीवा कुंभादउ व भुवि लक्खणाइभेयाओ। सुह-दुक्ख-बंध-मोक्खाभावो य जओ तदेगत्ते ॥३४॥ (१५८२) Nāņājivā kumbhādaü vya bhuvi lakkhaṇāibheyāö 1 Suha-dukkha-bandha-mokkhābhāvo ya jaö tadegatte 1134 (1582) [नानाजीवाः कुम्भादय इव भुवि लक्षणादिभेदात् ।
सुख-दुःख-बन्ध-मोक्षाभावश्च यतस्तदेकत्वे ॥ ३४ ॥ (१५८२) Nānājīvāḥ kumbhadaya iva bhuvi lakṣaṇadibhedāt i Sukha-duhkha-bandha-moksabhavas ca yatas tadekatve ॥34(1582)]
Trans.-34 In this world, there are different souls like ( different) water-pots, etc., on account of the difference in their characteristics, etc. For, if they were ( only ) one, there will be non-existence of sukha ( happiness ), duhkha ( misery ), bandha ( bondage ) and moksa ( emancipation ). ( 1582)
टीका-नानारूपा भुवि जीवाः परस्परं भेदभाज इत्यर्थः । लक्षणादिभेदादिति हेतुः, कुम्भादय इवेति दृष्टान्तः, यच्च न भिन्नं न तस्य लक्षणभेदः, यथा नभस इति । सुख-दुःख-बन्ध-मोक्षाभावश्च यस्मात् तदेकत्वे, तस्मात् भिन्ना एव सर्वेऽपि जीवा इति ॥ ३४ (१५८२)॥
___D. C.-The living beings in this world, differ from one another; for, there is a difference in their characteristics etc. As a parallel example may be mentioned water-pots etc. Whatever is not different from another object, does not differ in characteristics from it. As for example, the sky is everywhere the same ( since ghatākāsa does not differ from mathākās a). Moreover, if there were only one soul, then, there will be nothing like happiness, misery, bondage and emancipation. But these do exist. Therefore all the souls are different, and their number is not one but many.
How do the characteristics differ in each body?