Vada ] Gañadharavada
:435 [ देहो नापचयकृतः पुण्योत्कर्ष इव मूर्तिमत्त्वात् ।
भवेद् वा स हीनतरकः कथमशुभतरो महांश्च ? ॥ ३८५ ॥ (१९३३) Deho nápacayaksitaḥ punyotkarşa iva mūrtimattvat i Bhaved vā sa hînatarakah kathamaśubhataro mabānsca ? 1138511
Trans.--385 Since body is corporeal like the abundant punya karmas, it is not produced by ( means of ) diminution ( of punya karmas ). Or, if it is so, it should be small. ( For) how is a huge and (at the same time ) splendid ( body available ) ? ( 1933 )
___टीका-दुःखितहस्त्यादिदेहः केवलपुण्यापयमात्रकृतो न भवति, मूर्तिमच्चात् , यथा पुण्योत्कर्षे तजन्योऽनुत्तरसुर-चक्रवादिदेहः, यश्च पुण्यापचयमात्रजन्यः स मृर्तिमानपि न भवति, यथा न कोऽपि, यदि च पुण्यापचयमात्रेण देहो जन्येत, तदा हीनतरः शुभ एव च स्यात् , कथं महान् , अशुभतरश्च भवेत् , महतो महापुण्योपचयजन्यत्वात् , अशुभस्य चाशुभकर्मनिर्वय॑त्वात् । पुण्येन पुनरणीयसापि शुभ एव देहो जन्येत, न तु दुःखितः। अणीयसापि हि सुवर्णलवेनाणीयानपि सौवर्ण एव घटो भवति न तु मार्तिकः, ताम्रादिति ॥ ३८५ ॥ (१९३३) ____D. C.-Since the bodies of anuttarra gods including the Supreme Ruler of the World are mūrta, they are not produced by the diminution of punya karmas. In the same way, bodies like that of a miserable elephant etc are also not produced by the dimimution of punya karmas only as they are mūrta. For, that which has been produced by the diminution can never be murta.
Still however, if a body is ever produced by diminution of punyas, it must be exquisitely feeble and auspicious. Because a body which is huge and at the same time auspicious, is produced by the accumulation of punyas, while that which is huge but in-auspicious is produced by the accumulation of pāpas. Hence, a body produced even by a small quantity of punyas must necessarily be happy and never un happy. Just