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Jinabhadra Gani's [The eighth Katham sarvajňa iti matiḥ pratyakşam sarvasam sayacchedat 1 Bhaya-råga-dosara hitastallırigā-bhāvatah Saumya 11 355 II (1903)]
Trans.—355 You might ask“ How are you to be (accepted as ) omniscient?” “Evidently because I remove all doubts and and because I am free from even the symptoms of the faults such as fear, attachment etc.” ( 1903 )
टीका-इयमपि व्याख्यातार्था । यदपि " न ह वै प्रेत्य नारकाः सन्ति" इत्यादौ नारकाभावः शङ्कयते भवता, तदप्ययुक्तम् , यतोऽयमत्राभिप्रायो मन्तव्यः-न खलु प्रेत्य परलोके मेादिवच्छाश्वताः केचनाप्यवस्थिता नारकाः सन्ति, किन्तु य इहोत्कृष्टं पापमर्जयति, स इतो गत्वा प्रेत्य नारको भवति, अतः केनापि तत्पापं न विधेयं येन प्रेत्य नारकैर्भूयते। तदेवं छिन्नस्तत्संशयो भगवता ॥ ३५५ ॥ ( १९०३ )
D. C.-If you doubt about my sorrvarjnatva, O Saumya ! you are not justified. For, since I have removed all your doubts and am prepared to remove them at present if you entertain any, I am scar vajrau.
Moreover, in the sentences such as “ Na ha vai pretya nārakāh santr" etc you have suspected the existence of Nārakas. But it is not so. The import of those sentences is that there are no Nārakas everlasting like Meru etc. in the other world, but those who commit great sins in this world, would become Nārakas in the next world. The sentences, therefore, mean to assert that no body should commit such sins lest they might become the denizens of hell after death.
The Bhagavān thus removed his doubts ॥ 355 ( 1903 )॥
छिन्नम्मि संसयम्मी जिणेण जर-मरणविप्पमुक्केणं । सोसमणो पवइओतिहि ओ सह खंडियसएहिं ॥३५६॥(१९०४) Chinnami samsayammî Jimena jara-maraṇavippamukkenam So samano pavvaio tihi o saha khandiyasaehim ॥ 356 ॥ (1904)