The second variety of javas does not become embodied. They have achieved their purity and dwell in a state of supermundane perfection unconcerned - with worldly affairs. The mundane jîvas are a prey to illusion, and are condemned to the yoke of matter through an infinite succession of lines. The freed souls are absolutely pure and free from any tint of matter. They are the nirupādhi jîvas leading a life of pure existence and infinite consciousness and possess infinite knowledge, infinite perception, infinite power, and infinite bliss.
Thus, by touching the main distinctive features of the Jaina philosophy, we can easily remark like Sir Radhakrishanan that " Jainism offers us an empirical classification of things in the universe and so argues for a plurality of spirits. 2 a "
Gujarat College
Ahmedabad 10 : 12 : '42
D. P. Thaker
22. Vide " Indian Philosophy" by Sir S. Radhākrishanan.